Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I Suck

It should be noted I suck at writing songs/poetry/whatever, but I keep doing it anyway regardless. It probably amuses Ally anyway.

you're made of pure gold but you're worthless to me
caged like a bird waiting to be set free
I've seen my reflection in water but it doesn't seem real
Letters full of hate, but the words blur confuse and erase
My eyes can't focus on the page
time drags so much it might as well stop
take the petals from the flower, she loves me, she loves me not.

I'm ten feet taller than you, my bodies held together with glue
the furthest point from normal, alone at the formal
the back of the class I wear my invisible mask
I've got guns for arms, I mean no harm, gods honest truth
Write about me in books, opinions mixing with truth
Acid rain couldn't melt my heart, I picture peoples faces in the dark.

Who could have known the sand would turn to glass
and who, the skies begin to crack
and who, the oxygen won't last.


Blogger Bon said...

It's you're not your.

3/21/2006 11:32:00 PM  

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