Monday, March 20, 2006

Random Simpsons Quotes

Ralph: Me fail English? That's unpossible.

Homer: Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel.

Homer: Lisa, would you like a donut?
Lisa: No thanks. Do you have any fruit?
Homer: This has purple in it. Purple is a fruit.

Chief Wiggum: This is Papa Bear. Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort, heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless.

Woman: Well, you certainly broke up that meeting.
Mcbain: Right now I'm thinking about holding another meeting...In bed.

My (probably) all time favorite? Ralph: Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!


Blogger Ally said...

Homer: I'm stupid! Stupid like a fox!

Lisa: We are the MTV generation. We feel neither highs nor lows.
Homer: Really? What's that like?
Children: Enh.

3/21/2006 07:19:00 PM  

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