Monday, March 20, 2006

Stupid Girls

Punky pop star Pink is delighted her new video has pissed of many people as she intended offer it up as a challenge. In the video for ‘Stupid Girls’ Pink parodies some of the behaviour of women like The Olsen Twins, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton.
Speaking to MTV Pink said: "I love the discussion that's going on right now. There's always a backlash when you challenge people's convictions and their heroes.
"But I don't do all this so I can be in Us Weekly every week. I don't do this so that people think I'm cool. "I never said I was perfect, and I never said anybody else doesn't have permission to make fun of me for what I do. I'm a walking contradiction. I'm a hypocrite sometimes. I'm a work in progress. "But I'm working to be better. I'm seeking out smart people and responsible women, and I'm standing up for animals. "I'm not making fun of a certain person, I'm making fun of an idea, and I think they're missing the point. Sexy doesn't have to come with the price tag of being dumb."


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