Friday, April 07, 2006

Blogging Like Honey, We Are The Bees

If you don't "get" the title, then sorry but I'm not going to explain it to you I'm far too angry and tired. The creative "juices" that were running amok on the net weeks ago have dried up, I literally feel like our sites have died in the last few days, even Muf's Myspace hasn't been updated today...Shocking. lOoSiNg FaItH iN hUmAns. Quote of the week was something like "love will fucking destroy us all" love or women anyway. I may have said it, or maybe Alex did I wasn't really awake at the time, despite the fact I was driving *slaps face* so very tired. I hope I don't feel like this forever. Slipping into beautiful subconscious, my life is a rainbow. How's that for random.


Blogger Bon said...

I have been drunk for the last four days. It may be some time before I blog again.

4/10/2006 06:24:00 PM  

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