Saturday, April 08, 2006

(Not) Amusing

Yes it's always funny to see somebody fall over isn't it. Earlier today I fell down half of our stairs at home, thanks to my near-novelty sized slippers which would actually look more at home on a clown. Oh how I swore, and threw my slippers around the house to get revenge. I didn't think I had hurt my self, aside from the fact I felt my rib cage was going to jump out of my body right after it happend, but actually it turns out I hit my head and I have a killer bump on the back of it now and it hurts. Poor then that my mum reminded me that I was told by prof Cox that I should "try to avoid hitting my head" Although come on, it seems like the obvious! Oh well, who wants to place bets as to whether I have to have another MRI scan? The winner can buy me a new pair of slippers (not that that's a prize lol)


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Ha!...Oh right, sorry, "Not" amusing. Ahem!

4/09/2006 07:11:00 PM  

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