Friday, April 28, 2006

Seeyaz Laters M8ers

I'm really tired from working hard all week (well, working anyway) so there are no new posts here Alex, and you really shouldn't demand someone to post, it is most rude. Mission Impossible 3 is out soon OMG I may just not be able to contain my excitement, it's like James Bond...but better! *Prepares to feel the wrath of Alex who will disagree* See you in superspy hell!


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Firstly it's Mission: Impossible 3, not Mission Impossible 3 and secondly:
Wtf!? Are you insane!? Mission: Impossible better than James Bond? No way! It's a couple of movies literally selling itself on a top quality TV theme tune. & Tom Cruise is in it because he could never be 007. Plus they've all been fairly average/poor movies, although this one does look relatively good, but then trailers can be decieving!

Feel the Wrath of Ruomlig

4/30/2006 03:05:00 PM  
Blogger Shough said...

You are of course right (about the title) and are of course (sort of) right about the James Bond being better thing, but lets agree to disagree! :D

4/30/2006 11:19:00 PM  

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