Thursday, May 18, 2006

Crazy Eye Man

Today I had like some weird twitch in/under my eye, I have had it before briefly but it lasted for about an hour on and off today. It's almost like cramp but not quite, not really painful but very uncomfortable. I had a look in the mirror too, to see what was going down and you could see the skin under my left eye moving...sort of contracting like a muscle or something freakish. Anyway it has stopped now but I thought i'd share with you my crazy eyeball adventure. I can see by the mortified look on your face you wanted to know (it doesn't actually look bad or anything, barely noticeable fo' sure)


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Yeah I get that sometimes. It's barely visible, but you feel like your whole eye is pulsating out of the socket! Very weird!

5/19/2006 11:58:00 AM  

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