Sunday, August 13, 2006


So my car has a squeak, when I brake, but also when i'm not braking and it's quite random, sometimes it's there and sometimes not so much. Anyway your job is to comment on this post and tell me what you think the cause/origin of the squeak is and when I eventually get around to finding out (i'm waiting on my uncles friend who works for the AA to service my car and shizzle) I will let you know, and no Alex there are no mice living inside of my car (im assuming you thought of something hilarious like that)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a problem like that recently (well not me, my girlfriend) but anyhow, the problem was that something was loose on her accelerator and was actually quite dangerous to drive at any point. sounds funny how i've put it, but it wouldn't have been had she died, nor would it be if you did either. death to whoever smashed my window btw...

8/14/2006 11:42:00 PM  
Blogger Ruomlig said...

Haha! Sorry I can't help but laugh at Tom's comment above mainly the "I had a problem like that...well not me, my girlfriend" bit, oh and I'd never have guessed it was him if he hadn't mentioned his window.

Mice? Er...You've got my work boots in there somewhere. (I can't think of anything else that squeaks)!

8/15/2006 03:39:00 PM  
Blogger Shough said...

Death? Well at least you have put my mind at rest...

8/15/2006 07:13:00 PM  
Blogger Ruomlig said...


8/15/2006 07:21:00 PM  
Blogger Bon said...

Just coat your car in WD40

8/17/2006 08:48:00 PM  

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