Wednesday, October 11, 2006

So Yeah!

So, it turned out my head head so much I actually made the effort to go to the doctors last week, and what did this kind young sir say to me? Well, he said he would talk with some doctor friends of his and give me a call later on my mobile (which he took the number off me-weird) so yeah he rang later that afternoon and I expected him to say not to worry and the like but noooooooooo he had to go ruin my dinner plans at Prezzo's and admit me to hospital. CT scan and Lumbar Puncture later though and I found out that actually there was (probably) nothing wrong with me. So the moral of the story is if you feel really ill don't go to the doctors unless you want them to force you to go to hospital and have a really nasty test done. I had to wait so long for the LP that I was almost excited when they announced I was getting it done last tuesday eve "it's Lumbar Puncturing Time!" But what should have been a breeze of a 15 minute thing it took them like 50mins because they kept injecting me in the wrong place (cheers super-qualified doctor mate!) After having an LP you have to lay totally flat on a bed for over an hour-not fun, then you can sit up but your not supposed to get out of bed for another hour, upon the time being up I got out of bed into a wheelchair, went to the loo then almost cofuckinglapsed, my vision totally went and it was so scary they put me on oxygen when I got back into bed. Anyway the next morning I was able to walk around minus the crazy spinning which was good, but it's actually taken till now for my back to stop hurting and for the headaches to ease off. So that's my story! Ring the bells, for Justin Leigh Shough lives! I love you Zoe <3 you helped me through this :) Next week: I start on Lorenzo's Oil! It's going to suck :(


Blogger katie said...

Oh dear, oh dear. Not good at all. Glad that your head didn't explode. That would've been a tad disastrous.
Teehee oxygen masks are FUN! Unless you hold a lit match up to them. I wouldn't recommend that.

10/11/2006 06:35:00 PM  

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