Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Harry Hill Plays The Hornophone

Pigeon Detectives album is recommended.
Hey wasn't Eastenders good last night Dawn escaped from May and Rob. Fuck did I REALLY just type this.
Today I learnt, never steal from your sister. Even IF it is just a can of Shandy Bass and even IF I wrote her a nice pretty I.O.U.


I can't or won't speak of it but it frustrates me to hell. But then that's what the machine is, a collective evil bitch. Grrr.

May 22, 2008

...INDY 4!!1111111111

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Please sir, can you spare some change cold hard cash?

On the aforementioned London trip, so we're outside Harrods (not lost, but not really knowing where we are going) a foreign lady clutching a child in a blanket approaches us..."Do you have money for my baby?" To which I replied "yes but only if you get down on your knees beg, and kiss my shoes" Actually I said "no, sorry" and began walking faster not looking back as we heard the same lady ask some more people for money behind us. But the killer thing was and the only reason I'm posting this is, I'm pretty sure the baby was actually a doll. :O

it probably had some chord at the back of its head which if you pulled it would say "My mommy is rich, she has a house in Kensington but steals from ignorant rich fools of tourists that visit the capital" Well, that or "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


That's right people, Travis. Performing exclusively for Zoe, Fleur Alex and myself...and a few thousand other people at High Lodge Thetford Forest. It was a fantastic night full of classic songs an Irishman, the theme from Rocky, a bacon roll and some sweedish guy called Klaus!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sam jackson looks on as Zoe is about to be destroyed by The Hulk....

Then later Zoe poses with a seemingly uninterested Jack Sparrow...

Just kidding of course, these are a few of the pictures I took while at Madame Tussauds!


Sorry I never ever post anymore. I actually thought of something brilliant to post the other day but it's actually gone from my head now from whence it came. Last month I had a fucking amazing holiday in Majorca with Zoe and more recently (tuesday/wednesday) I enjoyed a short break in London with Zoe to celebrate being together for one year which incidentally has been the best year of my life without contest. I'll blog you some crazycool pics next. Laters 'tin