Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Intelligence isn't knowing what 7500%14 is (535.714 by the way) it's knowing the difference between right and wrong. Philosopher Shough.
The word throbbing just didn't suit this site, hence me altering the links once more.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

If It's In The Game...

Why are video games giant EA GAMES sending me emails about their new Harry Potter game, it's not like i'm going to buy it but I will tell you all about it as i'm sure you all want to know. With such 'Kick Ass' features this game will 'Blow Your Mind';

Companion Play -- Play as Harry, Ron and Hermione to unlock the secrets of Hogwarts.
Face the Dementors -- Can you overcome the dreaded Azkaban guards?
Fly Buckbeak™ -- Fly the Hippogriff around the towers of Hogwarts.
All-New Spells -- Freeze creatures, control flame-breathing dragons and conjure a Patronus.
Stunning Graphics -- Best-ever graphics bring to life the world of Harry Potter in a way never seen before.
New Wizard Cards -- Enjoy a new set of Wizard Cards, including the Beings and Beasts cards.

The site is obviously intended for kids as it hilariously states

PlayStation 2 videogame system
Television or compatible monitor

If only EA knew I was older than 12 they could have saved the time (which is probably only 0.3 of a second or something) and done something more constructive with it. That's all I have to say on the matter, now i'm off to Hogwarts...where did I leave my dam broom?

Things To Buy


Razorlight-Up All Night
The Streets-A Grand Don't Come For Free
Hot Fuss-The Killers


School Of Rock
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Two Disc Set
Smallville Season 2
Six Feet Under Series 2
Starsky & Hutch - The Movie
The Simpsons Season 4
Roswell Season 1+2

Gotta Collect Em All! Of course I won't be buying them before or directly after the holiday so it's good then that not all of them are out meaning my urge to buy isn't as high as it otherwise would have been.


I got my passport today, this holiday is going to rock. Bon and I will be living it up in sunny scorching Kefalonia while you mere mortals will be stuck here/wherever you are living it down wondering what an epic time we are having. Probably.

Don't You Hate...

Don't you hate kids? I know I do, I know I know we all used to be them but seriously! Were we ever that obnoxious, idiotic, puerile and down right rude as the kids of today are. Despite the fact I'm only 20 I do try and distance myself from immaturity as much as possible because it's so dam hard to stand. However I guess we are all a little immature sometimes and maybe it would be good to have the thought pattern of a 10 year old (for a day) just so I don't care/analysis everything so much and let myself go...The only current way to do this is booze, and is it really worth that bastard hangover the following morning? Nah.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Pretty much!

Saturday, June 26, 2004


I'm lovin Out-Side (The song and the video) by The Beta Band
Also How About That? by Gisli (the song and the very special video)
And finally, the epic How 'Bout I Love You More by the Mull Historical Society


And news just coming in:

President Bush has been questioned whether he should have gone to war with Iraq, to which his reply was:

and at a country fair William Cullen and Mel Mannin have won the prize for best wellie/sunflower cross-pollination plants...

and people are now turning up at the annual "I've got a bag touching fetish" show in the Somerset area...

and finally Tony Blair had the world guessing today as he played a surreal twisted game of charades...

That's it!


Check out these awesome screenshots of the lush looking DRIV3R.


Homosexual Postage

Alex Diplock was today (in the queue to pay for petrol) potentially "outed" as a bunch of blokes started shouting stuff at him such as;

Hahaha, I didn't know you we're into that stuff mate
I had know idea you we're gay
That was really crazy what you guys were up to

Needless to say Alex D left the pfs with a shocked/mortified/noooo they know I'm gay look on his face, however he neither confirmed or denied the twisted homosexual rumour. Oh well, gay news is good news or something! I'm sure nobody actually cares about such a frivolous matter. But what am I meant to post/brag about? My career? My beautiful girlfriend? Got to get one first ;)

Customer: Can I have a 3.99 jet wash please, because I want to wash my jet.

Customer: *Grins*

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Euro 2004

You gotta take the rough with the smooth/the ridgid with the non-ridgid.
After an awesome goal from Owen inside the first five minutes there wasn't much in the way of a game right up untill the end when somehow Helder Postiga created a goal from nowhere. Then it was extra time, and in the 110th minute Rui Costa made it 2-1. It would have been all over then but for Frank Lampard scoring 5 minutes later. Penalties next then, say what you will about the "Dodgy penalty spot" but David Beckham and Darius Vassell both failed to score from the spot. It was then all down to Portugal's keeper Ricardo to win it and did enthatically. 6-5 on penalties it ended. A long way away from my predicted score line of 3-2. What will be talked about long after this game is of course the decision by Ref Urs 'I'm an idiot' Meier and Sol Campbell's rulled out potential winner of a goal. As dissapointing as the end result was, it gets easier to take everytime it happens. Next stop, home.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


I can't believe that I will miss the final hour of 24 because I will be in Kefalonia

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Thanks to Bon I now read The Spoof. And finally I have read a spoof story that had the word beaver in it. Check it out here for yoself, And be sure to laugh out loud at the closing statement: Britney is hotter than a boiling beaver on a baking roof right now and you're gonna be hearing a lot more about her. Nice.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Euro 2004

Boy wonder Wayne Rooney strikes again with two goals as we...England go through to the quarter finals with an impresive 4-2 win against Croatia. Others on the score sheet;

Paul Scholes and Frank Lampard. Next stop, the hosts Portugal this Thursday.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

BT Email Account

You have 3552 unread messages:
Inbox(1764), Bulk(1788)

Thank fuck I have 2GB of space or the account would have been destroyed. I usally sift through all the crap, (and yes it is all crap and nothing else) once a year. Maybe twice a year would make more sense.


I have never had a papercut. I must be like superman or something. Remember the episode of The New Adventures Of Superman where Superman looses his powers and gets a paper cut from some case files he's reading, John must be feeling just like that. Well John, I hope you get your super powers back soon and you can continue saving the world.
King Shough - Obvious with the annoyed

Friday, June 18, 2004

Pure Evil

I have gone a little crazy the last few days, I don't know whether it's the heat but I have my suspicions! Doing things like;

Telling Suzi "So, ill see you in ten years. Bwaahahahahahaha!"

Telling Andrea from work "See you in hell!"

Telling some idiot customer "Yes, we are closing for good haha" After he asked me about the poster that was up about us closing.

And Finally telling Theresa "Whatever" when she asked me a question about where she should put some sweets, or maybe I said wherever...I don't recall. Still, pretty crazy!

Why do I see this sometimes when I try to view Ruomlig Online? I want answers!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Brag Of The Day

Non other than Alex Postmour! For (and I quote)

my £90 prescription sunglasses


my ultra gorgeous girlfriend

Euro 2004

Sunday we played like kings but sadly lost through bad luck and the genius of the French and specifically Zidane. Tonight we didn't play that well at all but got the result we needed (3-0) against a struggling 10 man Switzerland. Next stop Croatia

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

If your happy in the world tonight your lucky that you made it and everything's alright
if your lonely when you sleep at night i'm sorry that you need me and nothings turned out right.

From Goodhorsehymn by Hope Of The States.
King Shough-The Blogger Formally Known As Prince Shough.

The Scissor Sisters

I hated Comfortably Numb, I disliked Take Your Mama Out. But I can't help but love Laura. The Scissor Sisters confuse my music taste to the point of total confuse-ish-ment. I await their next single...

Look out For This Band In The Future

Here come Razorlight! Prepare to be Up All Night

This Month King Shough Misses...

The golden age of the internet, when free porn stuff was something special and blogging was fun. When I had my very first site and not some tacky re-hashed 10th series version of it. When there was a chance Wormfeeder would open. When Ruomlig Online was the first page I loaded when I came online and not the last. When The Factory was but a dream, and our only multi blogger site was Sultana. When we actually want to talk to each other on MSN. When there wasn't ten million archives. When I actually cared about going online. Anyway, here's to many more happy years of internetism.

A Mobile Phone Virus

Beware the Cabir worm! Actually don't, it's harmless. But beware the knock on effect of the Cabir worm! Feel it's wrath.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

King of the mods

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Fantasy Football 2004

It's back, and almost as good as it was before! Watch.

AI: 1 Me: 0

Alex Nointernetmour

Well the title explains it all really. He has no normal speed dial up accessibility and no broadband yet. I'm sure he will come back online in a years time and find everything the same as when he left.

Update: He's back!
Go on, laugh. Laugh like we laughed in the summer of laughter 1969.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The Lost Riots

The debut album by The Hope Of The States is something very special indeed. The beauty of the songs extends to the packaging (yes, it does matter a little) and the amazing lay out of the lyrics and band members intwined with sketchs of human anatomy. The first single off the album Enemies/Friends remains an all time classic and their second single The Red The White The Black The Blue is epic sounding, another standout track is Black Dollar Bills and this near seven minute epic must be listened to by all. I can never find the right words to describe music (anything), so just ******* buy it if you haven't already done so. There.

Wednesday Night Fever

Hayfever that is, and it's killing me from the inside. My eyes feel like they have exploded, my nose just won't stop running and the back of my throat feels like something gone wrong. And why am I telling you all? Sympathy of course.

About The Holiday

What John Said, only better. Yeah.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

See Below

Well, I am old and hairy. But handsome? Never!

Monday, June 07, 2004

Cannot Find Server

The Mighty Boosh

The Mighty Boosh is my new favorite comedy show on TV

No, I'm Not kidding ;)

I washed my car today. Hell yeah. With my own limbs people, come on!
Wormfeeder has gone from my links.

Where Did All Those Come From?

Suddenly as if from nowhere a smeg load of glorious albums have been released. Although I cannot say for sure whether they are as epic as they appear to be but some of them certainly demand purchase. For starters Hope Of The States debut album The Lost Riots then there is Avril Lavigne's second album. Then! The debut album from "The new David Gray" Kristian Leontiou Some Day Soon Plus more like BellX1 The Killers And Badly Drawn Boy.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

That Picture

I'm sure you will all appreciate me doing this, writing a little bit more txt so that picture which looks like an ass (but I can assure you isn't) will go off the top of your screen so you can all be at ease once again. Shall I ramble on a little more or is it gone? Who knows! I got my speakers wired up today (finally) and they sound funkin good. Well that's it. Lets all pray the picture has disappeared to the never-regions of the page.

The Truth Behind The Memories

Since I shared with the world that I had watched Friends from the very start, Alex has stated this would be near impossible and has even made me question my very own memories! To get to the bottom of this mystery I confronted my dad and fired questions at him on the matter. He concluded that (after doing some simple mathematics) that I at least started watching Friends at season2 (when I would have been 11 but could not say for sure whether I watched it from the very start. So I do take back what I said about watching it from day 1 because they may or more likely may not be true. Anyway I'm glad I kind of not really cleared that up.

Say what you see


They did it with a Sterophonics album, they did it with A Snow Patrol album and now the fuckers have done it with Jet's debut album. By it I mean add an extra special new track to the album a while after the original album has been released just to try and get 1 more frigging sale. They have even done more insane things such as re-releasing albums with DVD content and live songs, both for collectors and non-fans that hadn't yet bought it. Too long they have had a total disregard for the people that actually support the bands, too long have they tried to consistently rob us of our precious money. Too long have they mocked us. Stand up with me and let us go to war against the record labels. I have already devised a trilogy of films to follow our acts.

The Fellowship Of The CD
The Two Record Labels
And The Return Of The Beaver
(Yes, just for the hell of it.)

*Note. I'm sure Alex Cdmour is less pissed at the Jet one because he has yet to buy it, and now can reap the rewards of 1 extra track. Damn you!

|Movie Things

Donnie Darko: The Directors Cut is coming to cinemas soon, to give anyone who didn't see the original version at the cinema (everyone) another chance. And news that Battle Royale2 will still be made despite the original director bloke dying, his son will continue his work and possibly destroy it all.

Friday, June 04, 2004

The Sky Is Falling

Thursday, June 03, 2004


Today a lady came up to the counter in the PFS with some drinks and other products and then said "And the fuel on pump 1 please" To which I replied "Sorry, there is no fuel on that pump...Are you sure it wasn't pump 2?" (Because there was no amount on #1) To which she replied "Oh fuck, I haven't filled my car up yet. Sorry ill go do that now" Oh how we laughed. When she came back she exclaimed "I've never done that before" To which I replied "I don't think anyone has done that before" Maybe you had to be there or maybe you found this post both humorous and entertaining.

Justin Shough Says...Use Soap

The First Rule Of King Shough, Is Don't talk about King Shough.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Taken from my new best selling book The Shakin Camera Effect Vol.1

Big Cat getting ready to watch Big Brother

Crop circles or strange seductive image on my shirt?

Derren Brown "Seance"

Well for me this has to be the most hilarious thing I have watched on TV all year. Seeing Derren scare the shit out of a bunch of students by making them think they had really contacted the dead was comedy genius (even if it wasn't meant to be) and allowing the public to ring in and voice their opinions proved to be the funniest part. Surely these people know what kind of things Derren does? Contacting the dead is of course not one of them which he proved in the final moments of the show when he brought out Jane (a supposed dead person, who they thought had contacted them) to show them. Now with this and his Russian roulette stunt and his current TV series he is cementing his career on channel 4, and TV in general.


Season3 of Smallville ended Monday night with a super-legendary dramatic crazy series of events. The chain of events started with a girl (apparently from Krypton) trying to lure Clark back to his father. With Pete gone (Moved away with his mum after parents divorced) the end 5 minutes (which was all in small motion) Focused on the others; Lana-Moving to Paris, Lionel Luther in prison having his hair shaved by some sort of a crazy man, Chloe and her dad moving in to their new home which then exploded and decimated the entire area around it when they closed the door, Lex being poisoned and Clark being taken into another word after his father tried to save him and has possibly in doing so killed himself. Of course for everything to make sense, Clark will come back and his father and Lex will be perfectly fine, Great cliff-hanger ending though all the same.