Monday, February 27, 2006

I want to buy 12 songs by Neil Diamond, but is this really the kind of record I should be buying? Seriously, i'm asking you!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Everybody go watch Final Destination 3 now, not only will it totally gross you out it will even make you suspicious of all the little things around us in life that could potentially be conspiring to kill us all. The films CGI is a bit poor, but it still has some great death scenes...what more could you possibly want? Nudity? It has that too!

Bejeweled Wouldn't Load

ally <3 cloe.... plastic says:
first i get dumped, now this

Shough says:
yeah, I dunno which is worse...

ally <3 cloe.... plastic says:
me neither

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Just sat down and watched The Village on dvd with the rents. I having already seen it obviously wasn't quite as on the edge of my seat as I was when I saw it at the cinema, although I did still jump a few times! About 3 minutes into it mum asked "'s set in the olden times?" to which I replied "yes" while trying to keep a straight face. She then asked "is the whole thing set in the olden times?" and again I replied "yes" while stabbing myself in the crotch so not to laugh ( or something less twisted, like laughing anyway but pretending to be laughing at something else).

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

(Extra) Bonus Print

Quality Digital Prints

Here's a great site if you (like me) don't have a decent printer to print out your (hopefully decent) pictures. Also, if you (again like me) like stuff for free then you can get yourself 20 free prints (as long as you select the smallest option on the photos) [4"ish] then all you have to pay for is £1.50 for delivery. The sweetest deal! Your magical promo code to enter into the computer when promted is XBOX12051. Offer valid till May, one per household.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last Weeks News

So, it was a story in the papers last week but as I have been ill I never got around to posting it. Norwich Union Direct (insurance peeps) released their top ten most hilarious/insane claims. The greatest and mostest funny being "A frozen squirrel fell out of a tree, smashed threw my windscreen and landed on my passenger seat" **** I laughed, then proceeded to read the other nine less funny claims, I tried to find a link to the story but gave up after 3.7 seconds, maybe you can be bothered to...Or maybe you, like me just want to imagine what it would actually be like to have a frozen nut collector come at you when your driving and conveniently land in the seat next to you...

A Musical To Do List For You, The Reader

  • Download anything by The Shins, anything/everything
  • Download either of these by The Decemberists: The Engine Driver, Sixteen Military Wives, July July!
  • Download a legendary track by Journey, Don't stop Believin' for example
  • That's it, and it legally kids!
  • and by kids I mean consenting adults obviously

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What Ever Happend To?

Keane, Well they released the epic Somewhere Only We Know off the album Hopes And Fears as well as several other singles including my personal favorite Bedshaped. They did a whole bunch of live gigs including the huge Live8 of course, they released a Live Recordings 2004 cd and then they got eaten by dinosaurs. Of course that last thing is just a rumour, but the Keane drum kit and human remains that were dug up in Peru last week might suggest some kind of truth. Only kidding of course, they have been working on a new album for a while now (out this year?) I had better hurry up and re-buy the first album after it got destroyed in my car.
Be strong, believe.

I'm Back, Sort Of

I haven't been feeling very well lately hence lack of posts and the lack of being at work. But i'm okay, and this wednesday I will be more than okay, I will be okay but okay quicker, because i'm getting broadband YAY :D Expect me to upload lots of high resolution photos, make video pod casts and generally turn this site into some kind of fucking epic something...or not because you can't really do that on some cheap half arsed blog anyway. MP3 of the week All Over This Town by The Upper Room although Along by the All American Rejects is a bit epic too.