Saturday, December 20, 2008

Goodbye 2008, Hello Something

Hi, how are you? How have you been? I'm very tired myself, though at least I don't have MRSA hey Bon, oh that's right that was a joke. HA. I recently got to see Coldplay at the 02 Arena thanks to my "new best friend" who's first name is Daniel and who's surname starts with villa but I can't remember the rest(the same night The Who were playing, imagine that!) they were suitably epic though I was possibly less overwhelmed than when me and the MRSA patient (and kayleigh+James) saw them at Earls Court, I guess you just can't beat that first time...
Anyhoo, the next day I got to see the Body Worlds exhibition at the very same 02 Arena, and thought it was amazing actually, really learnt a lot which isn't hard I know, but seeing those cadavers hung so gracefully (well, most of them had their cock and balls out but aside from that) filled me with a renewed respect for life and my body, and other people...and also AHHHHHHH THE DEAD EYES ARE WATCHING ME I can't remember how I was going to end that sentence. Anyway come on you gunners lets kick some liverpudlian ass 2moro (sorry Zoe, and possibly Ally if you even care, which you don't :D)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Geometry Wars 2

Hopefully these screens convey some of the genius and generally fucked up crazy addictiveness of this game, costing less than a tenner on Xbox Live i've already put in several hours trying to climb the leaderboards on live. My best entry being around 41,000th in the world ever, ever, ever. I know, I know calm down you can have my autograph next time you see me in the street, anyway the point-Get Live, Get GW2RE, Get blasting! Woo!

Edit: Cheers Ign


Two posts this year (three if you include this one which I don't) Blogging just ain't the done thing anymore it seems. Everyone is either uploading pictures or organising events on Facebook or stalking people on said website. Oh and apparently people like photographing themselves with things like knives and guns on Bebo, only the dumb fucks forgot that even the internet is policed by insane cyber genetically enhanced super robot cops that make Robocop look like ASIMO. Haha kiss my ass'imo

Rock Paper Hero

Anyone know when Rock Band 2 is released for the 360? Or even if the pricing will be fairer this time round after EA totally screwed over Europeans last time by adding on some extra ££ compared to what the Americanz paid. I really want to buy a package with all instruments and the game, something people may do come November when Guitar Hero: World Tour (featuring the leg-end that is Sting no less). So yeah what to buy, GH or RB? Opinions via comments please!

Arsenal 1 Hull City 2

The first home defeat for Arsenal since losing 1-0 to West Ham on July 4, 2007.

That hurts. So does my head ironically because I was up for work at 6am today. Surely now we have to come to the conclusion that Arsene doesn't know and must invest in the team in January. Buy an experienced holding midfielder or this season could be over before it's even begun. We didn't win the league last year, and we only lost 3 games in the whole season. Lets put that in perspective-we have only played 6 games so far and lost two away games. Sucks to be us! Ah well Spurs are still bottom of the table bwaahahaha!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halo <3

I could go on, and on about how great I think Halo 3 is. About the excellent campaign that rounds off a legendary trilogy, about the flawless multi player, the insanely genius idea that the forge is but I wanted to actually make a note of the theatre mode. Basically it lets you re-watch entire multi player matches or if you have been playing campaign lets you watch that too and from here you can create your own unique videos or screenshots which you can upload to Bungie's network and share with everyone, web2.0 ppl! Anyway heres two of my efforts, the ease in which the software works is superb.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Insurance Insurance Policy

Ever taken out a loan with payment protection insurance then suddenly realized you wouldn't actually benefit from it? I realise I actually sound like one of those cheap adverts you see on sky in between watching takeshi's castle Anyway if you have you like me and thousands of other people could potentially be in line for some serious payback £. I for one was sold this policy with the assumption if I were to become ill and not be able to work this would protect me but not so as pe-existing medical conditions aren't covered. Facinating stuff then, check it out. Or not. Whatever.

Harmless words you probably still shouldn't use while at an airport #1


e.g. Wow that plane took off with serious aplomb

could easily be mistaken for

I'm a big fat terrorist with a bomb

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mr Fosters And Mr Incredible

So, that's why I don't have the time to post anymore. I lead a double life as the slightly skinny Mr Incredible who suffers serious red-eye whenever his picture is taken.

Raised By Beavers: Excerpts from the unpublished autobiography of Justin Leigh Shough

I was cruising through Fakenham last night, happily minding my own business when I met what looked like the scene from LOTR: TTT at the battle for Helms Deep. It was in fact just 6 kids, 3 either side of the road with a box full of eggs (and flour probably), I then tried to speed up but it was too late, they swung their orc like arms back at pelted me with eggs. Had I not been in the WR van I possibly may have been slightly aggrieved.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Freedom Of Choices

I recently had the chance to pre-order Bioshock from choicesuk (link not provided) for £34.99 which I deemed to be excellent value. However cut to the present with Choices bringing in the administrators because they haven't actually been making a profit for about four years and my game hasn't turned up, it was apparently despatched two days before release (the 22nd) but it hasn't turned up yet. I then sent them some slightly harsh emails and I then got a couple of slighty bitchy ones back "Yes we do reply to emails...." haha. So where the feck is my game! To compound my misery I saw Bioshock in Woolworths today two pence cheaper. I used parcelines patented parcel tracker and apparently my package had been sent FROM Peterborough to Birmingham? Twisted logic? It doesn't help that I have unearthed evidence of foul play from choices to other unsuspecting members of the general public on the internets with people having missing items and not getting refunds they are do. Sort it out!

Saturday, August 11, 2007