Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The "Village"

I liked the opening of the film it was tense and a little scary. But unlike in the Sixth Sense, Signs and Unbreakable the "twist" end was given away far too early. It however didn't leave the rest of the film totally redundant but took the edge away from it. I felt it was a little underwhelming at the end. It wasn't nearly as cleaver and as original as Unbreakable, it lacked the brilliant twist of the Sixth Sense and the story telling wasn't pulled off as well as Signs (in my opinion). Even M. Night appearing at the end seemed tacked on and wasn't as cool as when he appeared in Signs. I would still recommend it to anybody despite not rating it highly myself as I can see why it could be considered as a very good film. One of my favorite actors Joaquin Phoenix played the part well, and Adrien Brody was believable as the backwards/village idiot guy and Bryce Dallas Howard gave a near epic performance. Missed opportunity Possibly, compared to previous efforts weak...Compared to most other films not bad at all.

Human Vs Tic Tac

The tic tac's have waged war on me, I swallowed a whole one the other day and it hurt my throat. Yesterday I found several [11] tic tacs on my floor in my room making it look even more of a mess and today I cut the inside of my mouth on one. To be fair I have been buying alot of them lately [Don't worry it's only a mild addiction] but they don't have to turn against me. I will get my revenge, baby tic won't be seeing daddy tac ever again bwahahahaha!

I'm So Funkin Fast

I'm pretty sure I broke the sound barrier today at work as I was thrashing the keys so fast It was supersonic. Next stop: Break lightspeed.

The Masses Against The Cashiers

My friends, the time has come to rebel, to stand up and fight for ourselves. Okay there's no actual fighting. To explain, of late customers have been crossing a line they have been abusing their very rights of customerage. It's time we fight back, and give as good as we get bwahahaha! Okay so I thought the title was good and I'm making something outta nuttin'. Anyway some guy was "rude" to me at work today so I was "rude" back, needless to say I had the last word and the last laugh. They need to be taught a frickin lesson...Or the title is just that cool.

Me If I Was A Stand Up Comedian Joke #2

So, wouldn't be just hilarious if Vin Diesel went into a petrol station and filled his car up with diesel I mean...come on! Yeah, pump 10...20 liters of your surname! Oh god sometimes I even make myself laugh! And those dam ties! What are they getting longer or something? Soon ill be wearing my penis round my neck and making love to my girlfriend with my tie and you just know that's not going to work. Am I right? Yeah!
9X74 is the devils favorite mathematic equation
Sing Khough-Take a trip on the wild side, yeah!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I, Movie

I also saw I, Robot last night...Coincidence? No, obviously not. It's the best non-sequel film I have seen in a long time, and also the best "Big Willy" film I have seen too [Bad Boys 2 was alright]. Highly recommended then, although I still think I, Beaver would have made a better film.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Bumf [Filler]

I feel empty
I feel faint
I feel angry
I feel great
You feel better
Better for half past eight
You feel good about things
You start to grate
I think your too easy
I think your far to nice
I think your sleazy
I think you should go away
You think I crossed the line
You think I got it wrong
You think I waste your time
You think you can be strong
I know I love you
I know I need to be here
I know You leave soon
I know you have no fear
You know what you want to
You know the same things as me
You know this is a breakthrough
You know were being set free
feel, think, know. Now we have to go.

Feel, think, know. J Shough.
Blogger, dead?

More Deep Space Random

Captain: Does my crew look big in this?

Space Mutant: In what?

Captain: The ship, you mutant from space!

Space Mutant: What, is that meant to be like an insult or something?

Deep Space Beaver Episode Two is coming.

Note: Content here is not featured in the actual episode, thus not destroying the plot and or jokes within.

More Fun, Anyone?

So after "Fixing" my ps2 I began an epic journey of playing all the games I had not played for months and months, should have been brilliant but was tarnished by me remembering that I was "stuck" on most (all) of the games apart from the ones you can't get stuck on (racing, football). Anyway cut a short story even shorter I soon turned off the console and did something else. Soon it will have gathered dust and I will want to play it but to my dismay it will not work...a year after this happens I will remember about the "hooverin" and so the cycle of life will once again begin. Or something.

All Hail "New" Content

I have decided to take random things written on other web sites and change them a little, see if you can recognize any...Go!

Posts more than 5 days old will be automatically deleted from this page. Review the posts in this page from time to time to insure only posts you don't want in your Blog are delivered here. Tell the Junk Blog Post Filter which messages you'd prefer to have posted to your Blog by using the checkboxes and then clicking the 'Not Junk Postage' button.

The UK's Online Beaverplace

The purpose of this site is to keep King-Shough users informed of what's up with the Shough mans servers, development, upgrades, posts about sex dreams, etc. It will offer more detail about what the big leshoughski is working on, problems that exist in his brain, what's being done about them, etc. Hosted separately from the main site, it's always the place to go, even if Gilmour's half arsed site is completely unreachable.

Good Posts, Good Life.

Smile, your fresh new King-Shough is now open has been open for ages

Peace Through Superior Shough Power (C)

One King to rule them all, One King to find them, One King to bring them all and in the madness bind them

A Non-Co-Production Non-Joint-Venture Uni-Blog ™

visited by 20 million King lovers every month!

I've gone a bit retro and bought a beaver with a free dam and have been sitting in bed playing with it all night.

I wonder if aliens will ever read this!?!

Friday, August 20, 2004

Deep Space Random

Random Blatant Advertising For Deep Space Beaver [Note: Content deemed too poor to actually be in it]

TV-Welcome, to a world where evil reigns supreme and the end is nigh, this is the all action sequel to an original production, we're gonna need guns, lots of guns...this is Animals Of Farthing Space

Captain: Rock!


Thrashing 1 Keys 1

Today, the keys themselves [or specifically the keyboard] got it's sweet revenge by crashing, causing us to close for a few minutes. It caused much'o mayhem and stress but was quickly sorted out. We shall all wait and wonder what will happen next in this epic saga!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Test

The following is a test, a test to see how well I can type. I know when I first used a keyboard I was hopelessly slow and constantly look at the keys however now I am pretty quick and rarely look at the keyboard. The following is a bunch of ramblings I am going to write without looking at the keyboard once:

Hello, this is me...Justin I am here doing a test. Oh right, I told you about that already well hopefully there will be few errors, UI can only pray oh crap there is one anyway what's up with you giys hows everything going, i;m fine yaknow work is poor vut then whats bew? ah mistakes! we;; i'm going to guive yup now. I am as failure. The end/

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

One hash please

Event of the day: Some gyspy kid asking me if we sold hash, his friend then proceeded to tell them "of course they don't" but still he repeated the question "So, do you sell hash?" Me: No, try the main-store. Well okay, I didn't say try the main-store.

Thrashing 1 Keys 0

So, I [and probably every other Waitrose PFS employee] has thrashed the keys on the new keyboards so much the buttons are already bolloxed up big time. The keys stick really bad and it slows the whole thing down loads which hilariously causes me to thrash them even more thus the sticking to get worse and also the thrashing...where will it end?

Fun, anyone?

Hey! I got my PS2 working again. And how did I do this epic feat? I got my mums dyson and hoovered the fucker so it was free of dust. The first game I tried loaded straight away, then I loaded up a random demo of Crash Bandicoot: Unlimited and, well it crashed oooh the irony. No problems since though. Never underestimate the power of Dyson.

Back, With No Real Vengeance What So Ever

Hi there, and welcome to 'the great drought of 2004' the great drought of posts that is. Lack of time and motivation, lack of caring and the constant supply of things we would rather do has become so detremental that it has affected our Blogs to such a degree that we should be ashamed...or should we? No, actually because they are after all ours to do what we will with, whether it is 'keep em going' or 'leave em to die' that's up to us. Anyway, see you next time...or not.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Deep Space Postage

Yes, Episode One of Deep Space Beaver really is online. You could at least pretend to care, by clicking on the link over there on the top right hand side of the page. Cheers.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


You have probably all seen the adverts for The Smoking Room [a new comedy on BBC3] but you may not have watched it. I have, it’s in a similar vein to the Bafta award winning The Office but is more low key. Best quote that I can remember so far has to be: As one of the characters is swinging around on his chair and making it go up and down…”I should sit here more often, it’s like Alton Towers” Both funny and dark in places, and is certainly worth a watch for the odd stroke of comedy genius.


Specifically, one kind of O. Damien Rice’s O. Epic, sprawling unashamed, brilliant, heartfelt, hand on heart, beautiful and majestic, and more besides. I bought the album for Cannonball alone but I listen to it for i remember, the blower’s daughter, volcano and cold water…well all of the songs really. I expect I’m one of the last people to buy it but if you haven’t got it, go get it.

All Killer No Filler

I love the Killers, and their rather quite good debut album Hot Fuss. It contains both very good singles Mr Brightside and Somebody Told Me as well as their near epic new single All These Things That I’ve Done and with lyrics like "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier" and "Somebody told me, that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend" they won't be taking the world on, but they are at least making fine music.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Finally I Hear You Scream Mutter

Yeah, I finally posted and I posted long and hard just for you baby. Yeah, ignore that i'm just frickin tired. Anyway pretty much got all the holiday pictures online now for yaz. Too much too late? Maybe.

Preparing For Emergencies

Today, I/My family received [like I'm sure most people in the country have] from HM Government a "handy booklet" which pretty much tells you what to do in the event of an emergency such as a terrorist attack. To be honest with you it doesn't really tell you anything you don't already know. Basically it drums into you 'GO IN, STAY IN, TUNE IN. Which means: Go home if you can, stay there and watch TV for information and annoucnment(s) on what to do. It cost them millions to send this out, surely a waste of money? Maybe. TO BE CONTINUED...

Game Hunt

Recently you may have noticed in the news the story of Stefan Pakeerah, 14 who was repeatedly battered with a claw hammer and stabbed to death after being lured to a local park. The parents of Stefan have blamed the game Manhunt [certificate 18] the reason why Seventeen-year-old Warren Leblanc committed the atrocity. The sad truth is, Warren [who should not have had a copy of the game in the first place because he is not old enough, thus pointing blame at his parents] is the only one responsible. Rockstar games are not responsible as such content [in video games or otherwise] has never been linked with anything like this. I would fully support a sequel to the game, and probably purchase it as I already own the game in question. Violence in video games or film does not warp a stable mind and it is the sole responsibility and blame that Warren Leblanc in this case has to own up to and accept [he has pleaded guilty]. It's disappointing to see retail agents Dixons and PC World and GAME among others have removed the said game from sale. I urge you all to go out and track down a copy of the game and decide for yo'self. Available on PS2, XBOX and PC from Amazon.co.uk with 25% off the retail price.

So Many People

There is a crazy amount of people about at the moment in and around the main-store and the PFS, hence so many workmen coming though our security door at work. Hilariously now we just seem to pretty much let anyone in for any reason. I expect if some bloke turned up with a balaclava and a dodgy looking sweater replete with a bag with “Swag” written on it we would still let them in.

Another Film Review

Starsky And Hutch, another film I have seen recently which for a change isn’t a sequel but a comedy homage thing, which takes the piss/pays tribute to the old Starsky and Hutch, show. Very funny, great set pieces and Stiller and Wilson combine for the [I can’t count them there are so many] time to great effect.

Shrek 2

Another highly epic sequel improving vastly on the very good original, suddenly all sequels are something to look forward to again [something near destroyed by the two Matrix sequels] so good news then that both Shrek 3 and 4 have already been announced.

Spider-man 2

Stunning, even more visually arresting than the first in the series of films. Everything from the title sequence to the bad guy [Doc Ock] to the epic plot improved on the original film. It’s going to be a shame when they start replacing key characters such as spider-man himself with other actors [something Batman barely survived through] but we can at least take solace in the fact Mr Maguire will be back in 2007.

Sweets Are Me

I bought some sweets of ye olde internet the other day because I was craving aniseed balls and clove balls, hilariously their catchphrase on their site was 'For that naughty thing in life' if the site didn’t have sweets written all over it one would perhaps think the site was advertising an escort agency or prostitution.


Razorlight are perhaps cocky or self assured to state that they are brilliant and their album is fucking awesome, but they are and it is, Without doubt.


The guys working on Half-life2 and Doom3 have recently released specifications for the games and are as follows...

Half-life 2
@t least 1.2 Ghz processor
256mb RAM
+ a Direct X7 compatible graphics card

Doom 3
@ least P4 1.5 Ghz or Athlon 1500
and a Geforce 3/Radeon 8500 or similar

Me If I Was A Stand Up Comedian Joke #1

What's the deal with the Waitrose tie? Or is it just mine that seems really long, like when I go to the toilet it's like "what am I holding, my tie or my penis?"

Deed Of The Day

Taking a wasp on a bit of till roll away from Jane [Waitrose Personage] and outside into its natural environment. She didn't pay me :(