Friday, April 29, 2005

King-Shough Remembers...

When his cousin tried to mock him by singing 'I've got a song that will get on your nerves' repeatedly, to which I repeatedly replied with 'what song?' I won, she gave in. Moooowhahahahaha!

Man Drives Car Into Upstairs Bedroom

He must have been trying to re-capture one of the 'flying car' scenes from Harry Potter: And The Chamber Of Secrets. For the full hilarious/tragic story go here.

A social Experiment Type Thing

When you next see me, hand me all your money and any other possessions of value you own, then do a really fake cough, then leave. It will be really good if everyone can do this. :)


If you have visited his site recently, you will have found nothing more than either a) A social experiment, b) Serious FUNK, c) John telling you he doesn't see the point in conversing d) A series of dead-links e) A reference to The Mortality Charlston, a song by Cine-Milky. However I know for a fact [I don't actually know] he will be back online-proper soon with glorious new content'age replete with a totally new brilliant/pointless re-design.

The Last Human Ever, Ever. Except Bille Piper

'Funny' of the day, was seeing a women who more than slightly resembles "the last ever human woman of planet Earth" who was featured in the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who. Her face was hilariously stretched and expressionless, as if she had been hit round the head with an oriental wok of some kind.
Katie Holmes is a virgin?

Raiders Of The Lost Posts

A clever new feature on ye olde Blogger is the new 'recover post' option you will find when you now go to write a post, using cookies in your web-browser and possibly some sort of black magic you can get back posts you may have otherwise potentially lost, whether it be through Blogger being a whore or your internet connection being compromised. It's a nice touch anyway, and I'm sure all the stupid people who are forever loosing potential posts [me included] will be pleased something has finally been done about it. However, it is not guaranteed to work 100% of the time, so WTF's the point then? You might as well just save everything in the legendary 'Wordpad' before you post.

Want To Share A Secret?

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project. People from around the world share their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Major Justin Shough

Excessive isn't a word I often associate with filling in forms online, normally in fact they are in-excessive, that is their inner beauty...the thing that makes them easier and more fun to fill in than forms in real life™ but while randomly shopping for some random clothes on the net, I was about to fill in my address details and select the "MR" box that goes before my name when much to my shock and delight I found more options than you can shake a bag of beavers at :]. The designer of the form obviously wasn't content with just the standard Mr, Mrs, Miss, no no no this just wouldn't do! So what you have is the ultimate choice, the choice of title that discriminates against nobody! If your a Dr, that's fine you can have that title or a PC, or Reverend that's okay too! Or maybe you want to be a Duke, Lady or Captain? The choice was near endless, my own personal choice? Major of course! I always saw myself as a Major, but then I got scared and wondered if they would know I wasn't really a major so I changed it back to Mr, but it was fun while the dream lasted anyway.

The Good, The Bad And The eBay

The Bay

I recently did a favor for my uncle who had been hearing "great things" about eBay, he asked me to put a tandem bicycle [see above picture] he had made up for sale, he only wanted £50.00 for it and I figured I could get that. I started the bidding at a reasonable £30.00 but with a reserve of £55.00, bidding started slow, it stayed at £32.00 for a while, then began jumping nearly £20.00 at a time. By the end of the 10 day auction over 900 people had viewed the bike and it had over 15 bids with a final price of £153.00. However this is when things went wrong, the winning bidder came out to see the bike and decided "it wasn't for him" and that "it wasn't actually worth that much money" and caused my uncle some serious hassle, my uncle eventually gave in to the man and told him to bugger off. The winning bidder incidentally had a feedback of 0 and had only been a member for a couple of weeks, and was a serious time waster, I could have taken things further...I could have pursued The Ebayer until he eventually caved and paid us the money he legally owed us but I didn't, I came to the conclusion this would be too much hassle, besides I was happy to offer the bike to the next highest bidder. However I am still undecided as whether to leave negative feedback to this users account as they may in turn decide they are going to leave me with negative feedback. Anyway I think I have pretty much summed up all that is good and bad with eBay, the bad being certain stupid people...Something the world is sadly plagued with.

One Title

Is it me or is Kelly Osbourne's new song One Word really quite good? Yeah it probably is just me, but seriously I think it's funky and it reminds me of all that was good in the 80's, glorious electro-pop replete with a catchy chorus that will get in your head. It's easily the best thing she has done for music in a long time.

Some Kind Of Random Shirt

I have found a really awesome site that effectively allows you to design your own clothes range. Whether you just wanted to have a go at designing some kind of random shirt for the hell of it or you want to set up your own business creating specific clothes for the masses this site can help you achieve your goal. Anyone want an "I Love Beaverprise!" shirt? Thought not, anyway my own legendary shirt is on it's way to me now and i'll let you know what I think of it.

Monday, April 11, 2005

My Little Pony: Redux.2

Cute Pink Little Pony #1: I have some shocking news for the counsil of Ponies!

Serious Looking Pony Dude With Machine Gun Attached To His Back: What is it #1?

Cute Pink Little Pony #1: The horses plan to attack us, Pony's Deep!

Stereotypical Pony #11: Seriously?

Cute Pink Little Pony #1: Yes, I heard it right from the horses mouth!

Stereotypical Pony #11: Having a spy in the ranks has finally paid off, bwahahahaha!


Friday, April 01, 2005

Hey! Who Killed Southpark?

So the new series of the once legendary Southpark is coming to The Paramount Comedy Channel [Yeah I was like WTF? too!] Normally this channel only has shows that while normally very good are also old too [they showed the first series of Scrubs years after Skyone and Channel4 had it, and often have old episodes of Fraiser, Seinfeld and Spin City. So the fact they have got something new potentially means it's poor and they got it 'on the cheap'. To be honest I don't remember when I last watched Southpark [it was certainly last year]. It inevitably got a weaker show as each series passed, the peak of it's success being the film, which while basically just being a long episode grossed millions worldwide [well it was Bigger Longer And Un-Cut afterall]. It's a fate that many TV shows are sadly doomed for, a show that is successful will always continue to run and run until the makers/actors/studio decide enough is enough or until things start to slip, whether it be ratings or quality. Even The Simpsons now looks tired and pathetic, half the cartoon it used to be, but it has a fine excuse though it's the longest running cartoon ever [I don't count Scoobie crappy doo]. It's a choice of whether to go out on a high [Futurama, Friends, Fraiser] or to bleed the show dry until there is nothing left [Southpark, Six Feet Under (possibly)]. At the end of the day it usually comes down to money, which is a bit of a shame really.

Random Rhyme Time

It's easy to feel a tinge of sadness as you hinge on madness.

If I hadn't taken a gun to my head I wouldn't be full of regret, I feel your sadness now i'm dead.

The Sonic-boom of self dissolving gloom fills my room when I think of you.

This poetry that i've been reading has come about cos my heart is bleeding
I take a journey in my mind, it's more exciting and takes less time
I once was blind but now I see, all the hurt you brought onto me
It's a rainy day but I stand outside, I let the rain wash away my doubt
The sky is painted red with your deceit
I don't know how you sleep at night, i'm still reeling from our fight
The radio keeps playing our song but it won't be long before it's not ours anymore.

My Little Pony: Redux

The pony's and the horseys had declared an all out nuclear war with each other, a war with no winners. Only death awaited them on the battlefield, and this is their epic tale of courage..., and cute pink pony's naturally.

Stereotypical Pony#1: My God, sissy and JoJo are dead! Dead! Sally the horse is truly the new Hitler, where will the killing end? Where?

Next week on the spin-off mini series My Little Pony: Redux...

Stereotypical Horse #31: A new power is rising, the great eye of Lord Sara the horse is ever watchful, we will storm pony's Deep...We will destroy them all!