Sunday, May 29, 2005

There's something to be said for sitting in your bedroom alone listening to David Gray getting depressed, thinking about everything you regret.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

You're Beautiful: James Blunt

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful,
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
cos ill never be with you

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
you're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
cos ill never me with you

la la la la la la la laa

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
I'd pay money to see this illusion
The world isn't what were used to
Avoid the people, you avoid the confusion
Breaking down the doors in the house
This is my intrusion
You shout at me, your form of persuasion
My heart in two, for this equation
The metals cracked from this infusion
When it comes to love, I’m disillusioned

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Use The Circle Luke...

It's ironic that the final Star Wars film "isn't for kids" because Lego Star Wars [appearing on all this generation home consoles] is aimed squarely at the younger gamer. The game [at least on face value] represents value for money, you can pick it up for around 24.99 and it's got all three of the new prequels in it, rather than just focusing on one. However, adults beware! The game could easily be completed in an hour, and this is a game that even my Nan could complete due to it's simplicity, but thankfully this is a plus point as much as it is a negative. Combat, be it with blaster of lightsaber is a button bashing affair, and to block while using a lightsaber you simply hold down the square button. When in control of the Jedi, you can use the force simply by pressing and holding circle, it works remarkably well it's only shortcoming is that lego blocks and other objects can only follow a pre-determined course, there are no Half-Life2 glorious physics shenanigans here folks. The graphics are totally sublime, full of character flair and glorious cute animation. It has to be said this game remains as faithful to the films as a game of a film with lego characters ever could hope to be, it's "one for the kids" but it's also "one for the fans". It has a beautiful two player mode, that allows a second humanoid to pick up a controller and control a secondary character, be it a Jedi, Yoda or Darth Maul [this game lets you be just about anyone you want to be from the Star Wars universe]. At just a press of a button you can revert back to a one player game which is handy when you want to kick Alex out of your home [kidding, obviously...Don't arrest me I have a wife and kids] I could continue to talk about how genuinely humorous and entertaining the whole thing is and about the brilliant old-school pod racing and space battle set pieces but I have already said too much. Treat yourself. 8/10.

Friday, May 20, 2005

How Great Am I?

I don't normally gloat, and I don't think I have ever gloated about something so totally random that it's probably not worth "gloating" about. But here it is, before I publish a post onto my website I normally first write it in Word, this makes it easier for me to put content online when the time comes and is the reason why just lately I have been splurging a lot of posts all in one go rather than one at a time. Anyway "What's the point of this you poor excuse for a King?" I hear you think, well the document that houses said content is called Draft Punk See, I knew you would be impressed, it's an obvious pun on the band Daft Punk, and serves only to amuse me every time I open it. I can see your impressed, so much so your gradually moving the mouse courser over the the Close button.

Zach Braff

If you like Scrubs, you will probably like Zach Braff [the lead star] and if you like Zach, chances are you will like It has a forum for fans to talk about the show, it has screenshots from the recently released dvd (in the USA), it even has an interview with the man himself and they are working on getting other cast members to contribute. It's got merchandise, it's got scrubs dvd weekly giveaways and Zach himself is soon going to be more involved with the site. Anyway I have said my bit, no doubt you read the title of the post and skipped straight to the next one, so what chico?! See if I give a damn.

A Musical Baton

Total music files residing on my computer: 1.06 GB

Last CD I bought: The Coral-The Invisible Invasion (album) [pre-order]

Song playing right now: Vanessa Carlton-White Houses

Five songs I am currently listening to a lot:

1. Kasabian - Club Foot
2. Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
3. Gorillaz - Feel Good inc.
4. The Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I love you less and less
5. The Coral - In The Morning

People I’m "Passing The Baton" To:

1. Ed
2. Ruth [See Ruthie's Chosen Ones]
3. Saddam Hussein

Thursday, May 19, 2005


24 has been renewed for two more seasons.

The Hollywood Reporter announced on Wednesday that Fox has commissioned more 24, taking the show's run up to at least 2007.

The future of the show on Fox was in doubt, with producers haggling over money. It was doubtful whether the show would be axed altogether, however, as it was rumoured that NBC was prepared to stump up the cash for 24 to continue.

There's no news on casting, and whether they'll repeat the practice of sacking everyone and then slowly reinstating them over the season's run. -Taken from the BBC's Cult TV page.

Revenge Of The File Sharers

The final Star Wars film has been leaked on to an internet file-sharing network just hours after the movie opened in cinemas. A tracker site showed more than 16,000 people [including Bon] were downloading the film For more on this story click here

System (Of A) Down

The first instalment of a projected two-album set, Mezmerize sees System Of A Down, an American band of mostly Armenian heritage, further distilling their unique formula of thrash metal, socio-political rage, and Eastern European vocal melody into ever-more fiendishly complicated and white-knuckle exhilarating forms. Moreso even than 2001's Toxicity, this is a album of intense complexity: crammed with whiplash-inducing tempo-changes and a schizophrenic mood that sees sing-a-long, poppy choruses segued effortlessly into breakneck speed-metal, it's as bewildering on first listen as it is addictive after three.

Like Rage Against The Machine, SOAD are a fiercely moral band, but they never let their message stagnate through po-faced delivery: see, for instance, "Cigaro"--ostensibly a song about abuse of power, but one which opens with frontman Serj Tankian yelping "My cock is much bigger than yours!" Musically, too, they're not without an occasional lightness of touch: see the excellent "Radio/Video", riding along on a bouncy ska rhythm. But it's perhaps inevitable that Mezmerize should climax on a note of epic disgust, in the shape of "Old School Hollywood" and "Lost in Hollywood" – two songs that rage against the glossy materialism of their Los Angeles hometown, taking down a regiment of Z-list celebrities and "maggots smoking fags on Santa Monica boulevard" in a firestorm of righteous fury. --Louis Pattison

-What Louis is/isn't trying to say here is, while SOAD may look like they just tried to fly a plane into the twin towers, they make glorious rock and roll music to be played at only the highest of volumes. I remember the legendary Sixth Form days where we used to play Chop Suey and get our rock on, or Joe Gayton did anyway, I just watched.

Note: In no way does King-Shough think SOAD look like terrorists, it was just a joke, a racist stupid joke. See you in court!

Quote Of My TV Week

J.D on Scrubs introducing a patient to Dr. Cox

J.D: Here's Mr Steel, first name Man Of

Well, I laughed anyway!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Okay, it's sharing time. This is one of the few posts [many] on my website where I share with you something immensely personal, just for your sheer twisted voyeuristic pleasure. At night I often hallucinate, you may or may not know this. I often see fluffy brightly shaped objects floating around my room, it's as if I'm feeling the effects of some crazy drug (I presume, never having taken drugs I couldn't possibly know for sure). Occasionally the fluffy brightly shaped objects aren't fluffy or bright at all, no they can be twisted hideous apparitions that would make your heart skip a bit. Last night hilariously (un-hilariously at the time) I hallucinated a circular saw above my bed, it slowly lowered itself onto my body and for a second I almost thought I was going to be sawn in half. The time was 2am, I was in a half-asleep state, I screamed out "Aaaah help" or something more macho like "Ha, I laugh in the face of twisted killing machine saws" Then I did something totally random (without knowing), I decided the only reason I must have been awake was that my alarm had gone off for work, so I went into the bathroom and started to get ready for work, seconds later however my mum called from the other room "What the hell are you doing? It's 2am!" "Oh" I shouted back, then I got back into bed and slept peacefully until my alarm actually woke me up ready for work. This can't go on, it's insane!

Random Of The Day

The first ROTD comes in the form of a quote, from a customer from where I work [Which to avoid any legal ramifications is in space with aliens]

"I was up all night with the pigs, well...It could have been worse, she could have had two babies instead of ten"

-Now, I'm no Mr Random Of The Year but to me this was pretty damn random. It's like these people [The general public] assume you know their lives!

King Scrabble

I had this genius/stupid idea about a month ago while playing Scrabble with my nan (superior inteliect that I am) I was looking at my letters and realized I could spell out BON (5 points, in your face Nan bwaha!) then I thought "how cool would it be if I re-designed the links on my site with scrabble pieces" it was then I came to the assumption that no, it wouldn't be cool at all so I didn't bother. Still, I thought it was worth sharing with the world [or the 3 people who read this].

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Quote Of Last Week

From Alex Coldmore (Alex Gilmour suffering from a cold)

"If it was socially acceptable I would just go around wearing tissues in my nostrils"

-Remember though kids, like whistling it's not socially acceptable. I will kill you.


I have been reading The Da Vinci Code by legendary acclaimed international best seller Dan Brown. It's pretty intense (although that may be due to the fact it's the first book I have read in years), it's also full of character, wit and ingenious plot twists as well as challenging the readers knowledge of history and art (I was much'o challenged believe me). Anyway be sure to check it out if you haven't read it already, it will grab you from the first page and never let you go!
Follow me back home, the sky is black the rain pours down
I doubt we will get far, the end of me and all you are
The lights coming in from the windows, it burns through my eyes and it hurts so
I decide to take shelter as the wind blows, my empty looking shadow from the moons glow
Are you hearing my voice, as I call out your name
The patterns maybe different but the signs are the same
Forgive in me, and i'll forgive in you, the clouds in the sky cover the truth.