Sunday, October 30, 2005


So since being on drugs [and by drugs I don't mean WOW MAN I FEEL LIKE TOTALLY SPACED OUT, THE COLOURS ARE LIKE DANCING IN THE SKY I mean steroids which I take daily called Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone] I haven't actually had a days sickness from work, this is quite a big deal. Clearly the medication has given me super powers [and by super powers I mean it's made me healthier]. Eventually though I will succomb to illness, but to aid my fight against crime [and by crime I mean illness, and yes I should really stop doing this lame joke already] I have had a flu jab. What is good to know though is that Addison's Disease is covered in the DDA so I don't have to worry too much about having time off work which is always worth a WOOT.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Oh Sweet Irony

The most amusing thing I can think of this second is that Bon [my sister, apparently] keeps yelling at me [or writing in capitols on MSN] for me to post, and post like a dirty whore from Amsterdam and keeps posting till she can't possibly post anymore. Yet, he strongly advises me that Andre 3000 or actually not him that other Andre of a has started posting for the sake of posting, he now blogs because the people demand he blogs...And not because he's doing it when he wants to but because the people expect. Surely Bon is now at risk of being the demand and thus forcing me to create some kind of less than good supply. Well here it is, in all it's average glory.

Wires: The Post

So, it's that time of year I take pity on the albums in my cd rack (or cd's randomly strewn accross my bedroom) that I hardly ever play, or dislike, or hate (Wheatus anyone?) and today was Tourist By Athlete [or Wires: The Musical as Alex may or may not call it]. Anyway it's time to dust off your cd if your brought it [or take it out of the trash, whichever applies to you]. It's actually more than listenable, varied and emotional. It also has more depth than I first ever gave it credit, it's REM's Reveal of this generation [although if your being picky Reveal was this generation too].

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Adam's Song by Blink182, remind your self of their genius and download it/put Enema Of The State in your cd player.

Softcore Gamer

I'm terrible for completing video games. It's like buy-play-get stuck-give up-throw in trash/give to hobo to eat/use as shelter. But I like to think I complete all the really good games I play, the ones that draw you in with their quasi-sexual graphics and lucid stories, they truly are the films/books that never were, I completed Half Life 2 and loved every awe inspiring second of it, the same can be said for Halo 2 and the Metal Gear Solid series (well, 1/2/3 and The Twin Snakes...I never played the originals or the piss poor gameboy or psp versions) Killzone joins the list of the games I have completed, I have had it ages but never got around to killing those last few Helghast. it's a really good fps, not nearly in the same league as the aforementioned ones but it's refreshingly violent, the weapons are as meaty as you would like and the story of impending doom while un-original certainly sets the scene for some of the best battles you will see on ps2, so to summarize it is actually worth going back to your old games to complete them and see the stuff you missed out on before. My next game on the to do list is Prince Of Persia Warrior Within, I am about 4 hours from the end...which is poor because the new POP game is out very soon. cue "noooooo".


"This moustache took a month me a month to grow..."
"That's not a moustache it's barely a frappuccino stain"
"What? This is at least a mocha, don't be mocking my mocha!" The Mighty Boosh. Buy the dvd now, even if it's just because all proceeds go to helping under privileged kids, and by under privileged kids I mean the BBC.


"It could kill you within a year or you could live a perfectly normal life till your in your forties" Such is the poorness of ALD. I really haven't found the time to blog about the whole thing much yet and probably won't, it's hard to put into words. What is easy to put into words though is that I have just started talking to a girl called Sarah who has Addison's Disease (yeah...that other thing I have.) and she seems a pretty neat girl (neat? wtf, my vocabulary sucks) she also has diabetes which totally sucks. Hopefully we are going to meet up, which should be good. Also, I have started exchanging emails with someone who's child has kind of opens up your eyes to things you would otherwise never know about, peoples grief and worry...things that people shouldn't have to cope with...we all have these things everyone of us, they are part of the reason we should live life to the full and make the most of every yeah I should really stop laying around in my boxer shorts playing video games during my days off work...ah well!


So the subliminal-bold message in the previous post was about a million times more obvious than I had realized it was going to be. If you don't know Ally, she is this girl from Liverpool who has this blog and she's a good friend. Be careful though, she is a can of crazy.

To whom it may concern

To the woman who came into where I work today [a Nasa space shuttle currently orbiting the moon if you must know] clearly your brain left for a winter vacation weeks ago, does it really matter if there is rust on a bottle of de-icer? are you going to drink the contents of the bottle? Because if you are love, i'd personally be more worried about the chemicals the de-icer contains rather than a mere hint of rust on the outside of the bottle, bah to you...bah to you all.

So, I said...kiss my asphalt

If your thinking about buying a quality used car, then go to Busseys. Whatever you do, don't go to John Wicks. They are rude and incompetent both at the same time, in fact it's the incompetence that generates the rudeness. I [or my uncle heh] am/are not satisfied that my car should have passed it's MOT in the condition it was in, and therefore they should in theory pay for the work that is needed...but no, they wouldn't have it. So there you go, you have inspired me to rant on about what tools you clearly are. Good day to you.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Quote Of The Decade

"She had like 30 monkeys caged in her washing machine"

-Bon, slightly bending the truth/exaggerating the extent of one woman's animal cruelty.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

‘Tis a Proud Day (ish)

Not since Sultana has Robin Jones blogged, and you can find him blogging right here. TATTWQ

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I will put you in the crazy file
your just another one
creating such a mess
didn't care so much
as I watch you undress
felt a little out of place
so I smile and stare into space
take you out with the trash
your angry voice like a scratch
that I will pick at the blister
and marry your sister.

Oh, Inverted Blog

Still quite possibly my favorite band. Check out the download section Mr Bon (Know Your Onion, So Says I and of course New Slang.
I'm playing golf tomorrow for the first time ever properly, I have only ever played "pitch and putt" once before, so if you want a good laugh your welcome to come and watch me get whooped. It's me and Paul versus Vinnie and Kayleigh in some kind of battle royale apparently with the loosers buying dinner. Vinnie being the pro makes them favorite but Kayleigh doesn't even know what a PAR is so she could destroy it all for them, but Vinnie has already said [as a joke] if they loose their relationship is over which is highly amusing. Golf, the sport of kings...And also us.
The bird on MOM is capitol fit.

Lotto Lout Extends Fame To King-Shough Shock

Yes, you have all read about that bloke who won the lottery and went insane and ate loads of McDonald's and stole things he probably could have just, well...Paid for and also drove around clapped out old cars and smashed them up for "the fun" and basically "terrorized" his neighbors in "leafy Swaffham" and btw since when the fuck do we call it leafy mother fucking Swaffham? Anyway the point, he's apparently having a doll made of himself by some toy company (think Action man but chaved up a notch replete with extendable arms to hold his McDonald's and lots of Mr T style jewelry. Set to be this years Christmas craze, I have already made room for mine in my dresser draw beside my Tamagotchi and Furbi.

You could have it so much poorer

Franz Ferdinand's music is intoxicating, I wonder if you listened to them too you much you could become over the limit, making it unsafe to drive and talk to girls at parties who you think are pretty but are really middle aged over weight whores with cigarette stains on their teeth ooooh shudder. The new album you could have it so much better is excellent btw, just don't listen to it tooooo much.

Friday, October 07, 2005

you saw the see saw but did the see saw see the saw see? Bwaahaha
Next Wednesday evening I will be mostly up in my lonely room dreaming of you. Teh Coral, UEA.

Yes we ARE weird

We, and by we I mean the Shough's have two persian cats. One is called Leo and the other Sapphie or Saphire. "Hilariously" though we call them random names like Sapphie-Wu and Toy (leo). Also kayleigh has made up voices for them and speaks for them BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I just felt like sharing.
That's me in the spotlight, loosing my religion.
Broken submarine smeared in vaseline
do the washing mending the machine
Sending messages repeat repeat
Dark water in the sea, feeds the lakes, feeds the trees
Quiet laughter escaping from you
tell the truth but follow it through
Mr Bon is famous, Biz Stone commeth!