Friday, April 28, 2006

Seeyaz Laters M8ers

I'm really tired from working hard all week (well, working anyway) so there are no new posts here Alex, and you really shouldn't demand someone to post, it is most rude. Mission Impossible 3 is out soon OMG I may just not be able to contain my excitement, it's like James Bond...but better! *Prepares to feel the wrath of Alex who will disagree* See you in superspy hell!

Nintendo Name Their Next Gen Console: Wii

It's pronounced wee too. What were they thinking? Revolution is a much better name!

Image Stolen with gratitude from craig@ign

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Blip Blip

Oh My God They Killed Kenny Terri Michelle Palmer Edgar Lynn Bloke Tony

Those bastards

Monday, April 17, 2006

Firefox V Internet Explorer

So, this is what you meant. Okay, that is weird. EDIT: I especially like the spider, I named him Swanky.

Music Is My Melody

Choose a band/artist and answer the questions using song titles.

1. Choose a band/artist: Feeder
2. Are you male or female: Buck Rogers
3. Describe yourself: Picture of Perfect Youth
4. How do some people feel about you: Standing On The Edge
5. How do you feel about yourself: Pain on Pain
6. Describe your last relationship: Tumble and Fall
7. Describe current relationship: Anaesthetic
8. Describe future relationship: Godzilla (Just kidding, I choose Polythene Girl)
9. Describe where you want to be: Stereo World
10. Describe how you live: Day In Day Out
11. Describe how you love: So Well
12. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Comfort In Sound
13. Share a few words of Wisdom: Yesterday Went Too Soon
14. Where Do you Live?: Dove Grey Sands
15. Now say goodbye: We Can't Rewind

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Johnny Nicholson

Johnny Knoxville looks like a young/slighty different version of Jack Nicholson, no? Okay, maybe I shouldn't have picked that picture of Nicholson but you can see what i'm talking about right? Right?

Quote Of The Middle Of The Night:

"You punched me in the fucking face" -Me

-I don't remember saying this, to my mum. But apparently I did. I was screaming bloody murder and she ran to my rescue (Kayleigh was on her way as well, although dad was outside for some reason even though it was the middle of the night) I must have been totally out of it and hallucinating again or something because I remember nothing, but yeah as mum came to "save me from my demonic nightmares" she held my hand to comfort me and that's when I said that to her. She said she was "shocked to her very core" or something along those lines, lmfao indeed.
Carol fucking Vorderman and her big fucking brain game. Fuck you. Intelligence doesn't scare me, but her face does.


Oblivion is like having another life, I have spent 8 hours on it already, and only closed one gate (if that means anything to you) I have only leveled up to 4, I have unlocked several achievements already though, and I have risen to the rank of warrior in the arena, it's as hard as nails now though. Also I want to get into the Arcane University but it's just so much hard work, almost like real life I guess. I finally got around to watching Clerks on dvd, Bon if you haven't seen this then you need to borrow it off me now, it's hilarious and relevant. Kim is back, we are halfway through and people keep dying (I don't want to be too specific just in case ya know).
Her face IS a map of the world

Friday, April 14, 2006

One More Time

I will say the name again, The Upper Room. The last time I got this excited about a band, it was Keane just before they got super famous, I still have the email I got back from them:

So, The Upper Room. They are going to be big, possibly.
it's all over this it's all over this it's all over this town


Alex, bending the truth on how often Dido releases albums;

Walking With a Ghost says:
I wasn't even born when the last album came out
Inside Man says:
Walking With a Ghost says:
I'll be dead before we see another!
Pins are okay, and I have nothing against needles but pins & needles suck

Thursday, April 13, 2006


So my mum/dad/sister* want me to go to college (seems a bit random to me) they keep telling me stuff like do something with your life. To be honest I'm just too tired, I know it's a lame excuse but I feel too tired too much of the time, short of giving up work completely (and getting paid some kind of disabililty allowance) I can't see the college thing happening myself, the other "bright idea" was to do a work based course and leave my current job, but bloody hell...I need to know what I want to do first. Anyway, films I recently watched that you should: Crash and The Ringer and songs I have recently heard that you should too: The Upper Room- Black & White and Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure and finally video games: Tomb Raider Legend (actually good) and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (which I haven't even played yet but it's meant to be insanely epic) But don't let me rule your life, do what the hell you want!

*mainly my sister


This is the latest on what Travis are up to, interesting stuff and it looks like the new album isn't too many months away from release (maybe)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

(Not) Amusing

Yes it's always funny to see somebody fall over isn't it. Earlier today I fell down half of our stairs at home, thanks to my near-novelty sized slippers which would actually look more at home on a clown. Oh how I swore, and threw my slippers around the house to get revenge. I didn't think I had hurt my self, aside from the fact I felt my rib cage was going to jump out of my body right after it happend, but actually it turns out I hit my head and I have a killer bump on the back of it now and it hurts. Poor then that my mum reminded me that I was told by prof Cox that I should "try to avoid hitting my head" Although come on, it seems like the obvious! Oh well, who wants to place bets as to whether I have to have another MRI scan? The winner can buy me a new pair of slippers (not that that's a prize lol)

Friday, April 07, 2006


In The Atmosphere Of The Nearby Poor Planet Mayo 3...
Moe: Mayo! What is it? A fucking planet made out of mayonnaise?
B6B: Take a chill pill Moe!
Moe: Ill chill pill you B6B you bastard!

-From Episode Three of Deep Space Beaver. Oh how I used to laugh at what a terrible name for a planet Mayo was. Now oh how I laugh even more that the BBC decided to make a detective program with impressionist alistair mcgowan called Mayo. What were they thinking? The fools!
My name is Dalton Russell. Pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself.

Blogging Like Honey, We Are The Bees

If you don't "get" the title, then sorry but I'm not going to explain it to you I'm far too angry and tired. The creative "juices" that were running amok on the net weeks ago have dried up, I literally feel like our sites have died in the last few days, even Muf's Myspace hasn't been updated today...Shocking. lOoSiNg FaItH iN hUmAns. Quote of the week was something like "love will fucking destroy us all" love or women anyway. I may have said it, or maybe Alex did I wasn't really awake at the time, despite the fact I was driving *slaps face* so very tired. I hope I don't feel like this forever. Slipping into beautiful subconscious, my life is a rainbow. How's that for random.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Unofficial Ruomlig 24 Countdown...

To the world, he's dead. But soon, he'll become the most wanted man alive...And How! cool#1
cool#2 but if you don't have magic eyes like me, beware...apparently there are spoliers on the second link Alex! 1 hour till Elisha Cuthbert, 14 hours till it's all over, in association with the official Ruomlig 24 countdown.

The Yeah Yeah Yeah Post

I just discovered The Flaming Lips. What the fuck. Why did nobody tell me about them? Shit hot! So you know, I first actually discovered them when they released Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots but I was never completly sure, but now with the release of At War With the Mystics I understand their epicness...did you know, it's their TWELTH album, pretty impressive, although from what I read albums 1 through to 9 were poor-average.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sin City Review

Many of the reviews for this movie cite the violence and objectifying of women as reasons why this film does not appeal to the fairer sex. There is no doubt that Sin City is an intense viewing experience, visceral, in-your-face and unashamedly hard-boiled noir...but my mum LOVES this film. She reckons it shows men being men for all the right reasons: love, honour and integrity. The female characters are strong women who dominate the men at every moment and any emasculation which takes place is performed by men on men, not by female characters. There is no escaping the fact that the film is stunning - the breathtakingly original transference of Frank Miller's source texts onto the screen is sublime. Don't be put off by the high body count, stark storylines and non-stop violence...this makes the perfect Mother's Day gift!
Review By bryterlayter

Not only did the "perfect mothers day gift" line make me laugh out loud it also made me order this on dvd, that and Alex talking about it every time I see him.


Still no Lynx Clicker through the post yet Alex, this is highly unacceptable. I could at least be on #001 by now, well...maybe.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Deep Space Beaver

Many of you will remember the stupid, pointless absurd, farce but ultimately genuinely quite hilarious (well, me and Alex thought so) Starship Beaverprise, which was written when we were young and stupid and our lives were a pointless absurd farce (obviously) but many people don't like to remember Deep Space Beaver, which followed on from that but was set 1000 years later, maybe you didn't like the time travel stuff we made needlessly complex...Maybe you just didn't care. Anyway I just think it's funny when you look back at just how [insert word here that sums up what you thought of it] it was, really...Did we write this. Interestingly though I have had this joke in my head for about 2 years from episode 4 of DSB which I never finished, but upon re-reading this episode on my computer I realized my brain had replaced the actual joke from it that I had written then (3 years ago?) with a better, much cleverer joke that actually made more sense. This got me thinking, what would it actually be like now if we wrote it, which of course will not happen. But I may end up publishing a few things that never made it online, in all there lo-fi unfinished comedy glory. My opinion on what killed off this once legendary "franchise"? That final episode of SB, where we tried to do a 24 part episode set over 24 hours just like in 24, we almost died writing it and only managed like 13 hours.


Change Friend...? No? How about a 2mb connection? I mean...booze, give me booze!

They want to give broadband to the homeless
Surely they could give them somewhere to live instead?

"I don't think IT is a substitute for a permanent address"
Homelessness charity Crisis

It Burns!

Chances are if you have an xbox 360 (which ironically the chances are you haven't) you will want one of these, the Intercooler 360 is a snap-on fan assembly that pushes more air through the Xbox 360, lowering the internal temperature and improving the machine's reliability. The Intercooler 360 is powered by the 360 itself and shuts off when the 360 shuts down, or via a manual switch.


Snakes On A Plane.

Plot: A witness in protective custody must make a flight across the United States. A cunning assassin has, however, also boarded the craft and plans to kill the witness by unleashing a crate of deadly snakes.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
At some point, the film's working title was altered to Pacific Air Flight 121, to the consternation of many. In August 2005, a perturbed Samuel L. Jackson told an interviewer, "We're totally changing that back. That's the only reason I took the job: I read the title." [2] The film was soon reverted to the working title of Snakes on a Plane.

I literally can't wait for this film people, Sam Jackson, Snakes on a Motherfucking Plane. Check it out

South by Southsomething

Bon was hyping South By South West a totally epic music festival that takes place in Austin, Texas featuring such bands as Be Your Own Pet and Dirty Pretty Things, Snow Patrol (last year they had Bloc Party, Kaiser Chiefs and Franz Ferdinand). Anyway, right now they have plenty of coverage on MTV2...did you know there's a guy called Mr Icecream Man (or something) who gives away FREE icecreams to music loving people? There's a beer bus too with FREE beer! Wow. I'm going next year and to think I thought South by South West was a film (it isn't but... there are films called;

Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest
East by Southwest
Indian Boy of the Southwest
South by Southeast