Friday, April 30, 2004

The password on Shough is now # in word form. Well, I don't have to spell it out for you do I?

Pretty much.

How evil are you?

Man I really hate that cartoon on the back of the EDP (The "Why…" one)
Fucking stupid retarded kid asking all those stupid questions! And what sort of a freak draws that crazy shit! A Fucking paedophile probably! Freaks!
My Quote Of The Week: "So?"

After being told "That's my daughter on the front of the Lynn News there"

After saying that I shrugged my shoulders and the lady walked away possibly quite upset. Ha!
Things you never thought you would say to someone #1 (The question being "So are there any twisted dark secrets I don't know about you?"

-To which the reply was "I used to be a women"

Things you never think a girl would say to you #1 (After me asking "so, what about you?"

To which the reply was Long Pause "I used to be a man"

-Well, you had to be there. Grrrr.
My review of Kill Bill Vol.2.: Excellent. (Copy and paste text from Ruomlig Online here)
Ha ha! You made a spelling mistake in one of the longest reviews ever! If only you had taken 31 minutes to write it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

King Shough-Home Of The Shakin Camera Effect

Bastards! It wasn't long ago I purchased the normal edition.
Guess who came into the Petrol Station today? Christopher Dilly! He's still has hilariously camp as he always was.
Quote Of The Day: "Thanks Jason"

Read the name badge punk!

Monday, April 26, 2004

Quote Of The Week: "People just don't realize how deconian the Inland Revenue are"

-Some Random Bloke who spent 5 minutes giving me a history lesson on various things.
King Shough-Home Of Some Sort Of A Budding Photographer


Some Photos Of The Year-Justin Shough
Dull and Un-Interesting-John Blackbourn
They Are All Frickin Negative-Alex Gilmour
Some Of His Best Work In Years-Time Magazine
You (John And Muffett) saw Kill Bill Volume 2 without me? Thats like seeing A Beaver Movie and not inviting me! Although I was @ work so therefore I couldn't go. I bet you planned it all from the begining!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Arsenal have won the premiership. Stick that in your beaver and smoke it.

King Shough-Resorting To Dull Pictures When There Are No Interesting Pictures Left

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Ha ha! You can't stop me signing up for another account can you?
Error! You're not allowed to post any more images today.

Damn you Buzznet! I had so many more to post!
The Urbz are coming!
King Shough-Resorting To Pictures When There Are No Words Left

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! Should be epic!
Night, night. Don't let the beavers bite!
See More!

A funny (i.e. not actually funny) news story caught my eye today online and it read: Man sets himself on fire, by mistake. Shockingly hilarious!
If this whole site is indeed in negative totally it means the black is actually white and the blue writing is actually whatever the opposite/negative of blue is. Very h'interesting!
The Pound: Hehmahahahahaha!
My God! The Yen is down against the pound! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Hehmahahahaha! is the new Mooowahahaha and Bwahahahaha!
Sort Yo Self Out Gilmour. Naw.

Damon Albarn has brought in The Bees as his backing band for the new Gorillaz album the Gorillaz are coming people and you heard it here first!

Friday, April 23, 2004

Daryl Hannah with David Carradine as they pose at the Italian premiere of Kill Bill - Vol. 2
We must see it like, now.
In reference to the whole "Why Arsenal Thing" I will refer you to something Billy Piper once said "Because I Fucking Want To"
Actually she said "Because I Want To" But my way seems better.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Randomly tired
King Shough: If it isn't negative it just doesn't look cool.
Fuck doing colours is bastard time consuming stuff! Yeah, how do you like that plain random shit! Yeah!
Norwich City made it into the premiership. Boo frickin hoo. However I may just want to see Arsenal play when they visit Carrow Rd.
Burn baby burn, disco inferno!
I want a hairy chest, I bet Roadkill had some sort of a hair implant to try and make himself look cool! Bastardaroonie!
Genn and my sister? Crazy shit people!
Hannah Gilmour: Hairdresser Of The Year? Only time will tell...
Fine! It's not new hair, it just looks different/new.
New hair! Thanks Hannah! I have no idea what it looks like. Just don't mock me! Gotta be better than what it was hey!
Title: Down, down in the bowls of hell
By: Justin Leigh Shough

It's not over it's not too late
Seems as though it's paid off making me wait
Stare into the sun and hope it blinds me
Stare into your eyes and say I'm sorry

Down, down in the bowls of hell
The feelings that people keep hiding away from themselves

My heart tells me it's something
Back of my mind knows it's nothing
Age of wondering, I'm falling I'm stumbling
Can't find the words to finish this song
Can't find the money to carry this on

Down, down in the bowls of hell
The feelings that people keep hiding away from themselves

Don't let them dictate what you are doing
Something is somewhere that will put them to ruin
You wake up as I lay next to you starring at the ceiling
Thinking about last night and everything's meaning

Down, down in the bowls of hell
The feelings that people keep hiding away from themselves
Down, deeper and deeper below the people that live on the surface
The things that are evil the things that kill people
The things that come out at night, the things we keep locked away tonight.

And why is the question that i'm asking myself
Why is nothing really makin sense?

It's just one crazy ass thing after another with this gang of...whatever they are!
Oh how I laughed manically earlier watching some random woman on a local news programme, she coughed once and then tried to speak but couldn't she just about made it into a link as her eyes watered and her voice sounded like the girl off The Exorcist.
A Bushy Barny Bee, Lady Bug or Lady Bird. Whatever you want to call it.

So, we are all just going to carry on using Hotmail then? Sorry Google.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

There's nothing at the top, nothing at the top, oh my fucking God there's nothing at the top,
I don't know what to put at the top, I don't know what to put at the top,
Oh come, there must be something I can put at the top...

Seriously though, what? A sexy picture of a celebrity? A feather? A cool looking title? John, you can't design me something can you? Some sort of an early beaver day present?
Could I post anymore today? Nah.
The Colour and the Shape
One by One
There Is Nothing Left to Lose
Franz Ferdinand

All legendary. The buying frenzy is over!
King Shough-No Sexy Pictures, But Alot Of Non-Sexy Posts
You are still using 0 MB (0%) of your 1000 MB, What are you? Some kind of freak that doesn't send emails? Use up the space we have so generously given to you or die!
I think I have got rid of all the random crazy letters. Took too much effort and time though. It had better not happen again. Or there will be hell to pay...
So Alex has got me into Spongebob Squarepants! This crazy, zany hilarious epic cartoon has so much potential! Fair enough Suzi mocked me yesterday for watching it but who cares! It fantastical! They should do films and everything! Lets all jump on the Spongebob Squarepants bandwagin!

If you are wondering what all the crazy symbols are I don't know either! Please help John.
Proving that Eamon's song "I Dont Want You Back (Fuck It)" can be slightly altered one more time I have written a third version of the song from the view point of a friend of theirs. No idea why I did it, bordem? Yeah that's it.

woh woh
No no no

(You know there are three sides to every story)

See I don't know why you both cryin'like bitchs
Talkin' shit like snitchs
Why you write a song 'bout each other
If you really didn't care
You wouldn't wanna share
Tellin' everybody just how you feel

Fuck what you did it's both your faults now
Fuck the presents, that shits not what counts
Fuck all the cryin' it doesn't mean jack
Well guess what guys, fuck you right back
Your friends are what matter, and you blew us out

Fuck what you did it's both your faults
Fuck the presents, that shits not what counts
Fuck all the cryin' it doesn't mean jack
Well guess what guys, fuck you right back
Your friends are what matter, and you blew us out

You thought you could love each other
But you weren't right together
She had to turn to your friend
You had to stab her in the back
You wanted her back, and she couldnt give a crap
You two must be smokin' crack
Your friends are going elsewhere, and that's a fact

Fuck all those nights you spent we each other
You could have been with us, looking out for one another
Fuck all those nights you were together
Well guess what guys, you lost your friends forever

Fuck all those nights you spent we each other
You could have been with us, looking out for one another
Fuck all those nights you were together
Well guess what guys, you lost your friends forever

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

Ha ha, ha ha yea
Uh uh, uh uh yea

Ha ha, ha ha yea
Uh uh, uh uh yea

Ha ha, ha ha yea
Uh uh, uh uh yea

You questioned did each other care
Maybe she would have if you woulda gone down there
Maybe he would have if you didn't go with his friend
Now it's over
But I do admit we are glad though it hurts to see you sad
But I can't sweat that cause we got to go

You thought you could love each other
But you weren't right together
She had to turn to your friend
You had to stab her in the back
You wanted her back, and she couldnt give a crap
You two must be smokin' crack
Your friends are going elsewhere, and that's a fact

oh oh
uh uh yea
oh oh
uh uh yea
oh oh
uh uh yea
oh oh
uh uh yea

You both made me do this. Ha ha.

Fuck You Both Right Back. By Justin leigh Shough.
Spoiler (Look Away Now, It's actually not a spoiler just a crazy-long post): Life Is A Sham! Well, waking up this morning thats what it felt like. Everything and everyone is just a little too predictable now. I am starting to know what Truman Burbank (Jim Carey) felt like in The Truman Show.
Maybe this is the same, but fewer cameras and a larger enclosed place. Life suddenly just seems like one hilariously long movie. When I got to work it seemed even more apparent, people seemingly knowing more than they should about me, poor acting (people forgetting lines, or the reason they came to the petrol station) and ridiculous plot twists all over the place! Maybe we are all in it, all stares in the show. Or maybe I am the lead character, and Alex (presumably a winner of best supporting actor) is just another pawn in this twisted game. Perhaps nothing is actually real. Or perhaps God, if there is indeed a God is controlling everything right now. God, or the creator or perhaps Steven Spielberg are sitting up there somewhere in a chair writing the script for tomorrows show, getting ready to flawlessly direct another day in the life of everyone. Surely a task so great something would eventually go wrong. It raises certain questions as to perhaps why certain things happening; me being ill (a lot) earlier in my life and going in to hospital was perhaps just some sick act of spicing things up, and me getting robbed at the Petrol Station was a season finale or something. Perhaps even Suzi is just another set piece in a script that is perfectly written to fool us all. Maybe my parents forcing me into applying for the job at Adrian Flux was all too coincidental and that I will get an interview and will get a job and some new chapter in this crazy story will begin or ill continue rotting away at Safeway a little longer. Of course nothing could ever be proved and me writing this is of course a complete waste of time. But maybe it’s made you think, maybe not. Still, many questions unanswered! The one thing I do believe though is that everything that is meant to happen will whether you try or not, eventually life will take control and put us all on a path… whether it's one we want to walk or not. I don’t think there is much we can change about anything, sure I could run out on the main road now and throw myself in front of a lorry but if I did that then that was what was meant to happen to me, course I am not that stupid/crazy and someone probably knows this. And oh fuck I have got cramp in my leg, bastards! Mocking me from up above! Stay tuned to King Shough for more scripted humour. Nothing is real anymore.
Walked from town to my house yesterday after dropping my car off for its MOT. It destroyed me! My lungs collapsed, my feet covered in sores and my legs cramping up. I think I cried a little too. Okay that may be exaggerating, but I did have to stop at Gilmour's on the way back because I wanted to see him I was so fucking tired.
I have just realized how many "traits" other people have that I pick up on and do myself. I don't know why I do it, I just start doing or saying things like other people around me do. It's crazy. I'm some sort of a mish-mash of people. I am Frankenstein the monster.
I'm thinking about shaving my annoying rubbishy hair off or doing something else...Well I need to do something with it. Don't I?
Keane make me want to play Air Piano

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I'm so tired but I don't want to sleep. Work in the morning. There has to be more to life than this.
Gmail Rocks. If only I had something to email someone about.

"You are currently using 0 MB (0%) of your 1000 MB."
As an active Blogger user, we would like to invite you to be one of the first to try out Google's new email service, Gmail.

Would you like to give it a whirl? YES / NO

Did everyone else get offered the chance too?

Sunday, April 18, 2004

King Shough (John Blackbourn) 1 Most Search Engines 0
Shiting fucking bollox crap day at work.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

He's like a vampire!
Old Mcdonald Had A Beaver e i e i o
Done, done, on to the next one.
Mr Blackbourn just doesn't sound right.
RIP? God I died! Nooo!
Holy Crap
King Shough-Not The Next Ruomlig Online.

You may think different though after yesterdays random posts about you know who.

Friday, April 16, 2004

I'm starting to realize how that smiling happy guy off that cinema advert must have felt. Happy. Shocking.
Why can't I get on Msn? Anything could be happening on there! Anything
I will strive to never post anything on here I will live to regret. It just isn't worth it. Also the old sites you may have noticed have been abandoned, they are still there...Hidden away and maybe just maybe will come back when the heat is off.
If I Could Change Five Things About Myself They Would be:

1. Be More Confident
2. Have No Regrets
3. Live In The Moment
4. Stop Analysing Things So Damn Much
5. Like Beavers Less.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

And here are the lyrics to the other side of "the story" yes everyone has heard Eamon's "I Don't Want You Back (Fuck It)" and now there is "Fuck You Right Back" By Frankee. Course it's not quite as legendary but it's clever stuff people. What the lyrics probably are below;

Oh oh
No no no

(You know there is two sides to every story)

See I don't know why you cryin' like a bitch
Talkin' shit like a snitch
Why you write a song 'bout me
If you really didn't care
You wouldn't wanna share
Tellin' everybody just how you feel

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

You thought you could really make me moan
I had better sex all alone (ha ha ha ha)
I had to turn to your friend
Now you want me to come back
You must be smokin' crack
Im goin' else where and thats a fact

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
Fuck it, I faked it, aren't you proud
Fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
Fuck it, I faked it, aren't you proud
Fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

You questioned did I care
Maybe I would have if you woulda gone down there
Now it's over
But I do admit i'm glad I didn't catch your crabs
I can't sweat that cause I got to go

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back.

oh oh
uh uh yea
oh oh
uh uh yea
oh oh
uh uh yea
oh oh
uh uh yea

You made me do this
Don't you love the noise the phones at CTU on 24 make. Most of the time it's all you can hear. It's comforting.
I just ordered five albums. That feels better. A tremendous weight has been lifted, and another one concerning the payment of the items has arrived. Ah well, the other weight was heavier!
It's Better In The Matinee The Dark Of The Matinee
I can't look at Ruomlig Online! Why has the password changed?
To have archives or not to have archives. That is the question.
Who's pissed off that you will always have to type lol Ha ha!
I want to hold your hand
I want to kiss you and the rest
Put a pause on life so this never ends

I'm gonna take you to the park
Walk around for a little while
Catch a movie we want to see
End the night with just you and me

I want to hold your hand
I want to kiss you and the rest
Put a pause on life so this will never end

I guess it kind of figures out
The way that life always messes us around
You can be up then and now
But before you know it your right back down

I'm going to hold your hand
I'm gonna kiss you and all the rest
Put a pause on life so this will never have to end

Stupid crazy universe
And all the things that make things worse
Stupid, stupid crazy us living life like it's serious

I'm holding your hand like I'd planned
I've kissed you like we talked about
And put a pause on life so you know this will never ever have to end.

Put A Pause On Life. By Me.
In the begining it was amazing
When we were learning and we were younger
Something there special forever and always
Waiting like the ever lasting sun.

And then we starting getting more mature
Things didn't seem what we thought they were
And something we lost that was there before
The magic spark that kept us here

But then we, had that amazing day
Took our vows and went our way
Said goodbye to life as we had known
Said hello to things like now

But things didn't get much better
Soon we were growing apart like changing weather
Strangers on the street would look at us and think
What ever went wrong? How could love that was something so strong end up like this

And we would tell them, tell them it was not our fault
If we could we would change it all
Go back to the start and stall
Go and plan our life differently so things didn't up like you and me.

Untitled. By Me.

Yes Please.
So, who is as confused as me as where I am going to post to next? Seen as I havent officially closed my old sites.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Breaking News: Hannah Gilmour just announced she was going to be a lesbian. Of course she was joking. But still! Crazy shit!
Schindler's Pissed-A Re-Working Of The Original Film.
All photos used with explicit instructions for them not to be used.
Woohoo! It's verking! What am I? German? Ha ha! Das is gut!
When did the adverts come back? Also why is there nothing on here? You can't even read it!
Start, start a new day and a new misery
Start a new life and in a new way start something different to yesterday.
Start something other than what they say
Start a different sentance in a different way.

You know, Sometimes I don't make sense
You know, Sometimes I don't make sense

Danger, danger in the mysterious other life
strangers, a stranger in another time.
A lady who is my wife
A man crazy, weilding a crazy mans knife
A thing so hazy, like a widow that's just died.
Something like lazy like we all are times

You know, Sometimes I don't make sense
You know, Sometimes I don't make sense

By Me.
King Shough Welcomes The Muff Meister

Saturday, April 10, 2004

John puts the lotion on Perfume girls skin or else she gets the hose again.

*I leant him Silence Of The Lambs because shockingly he had never seen it.
You held my hand and walked me home I know
While you gave me that kiss it was something like this it made me go ooh ohh
You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go?
Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love
Guys are so hard to trust
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl?
The one who gives it all away

Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time?
Did you think that it was somethin I was gonna do and cry?
Don't try to tell me what to do,
Dont try to tell me what to say,
Your better off that way

Don't think that your charm and the fact that your arm is now around my neck
Will get you in my pants I'll have to kick your ass and make you never forget
I'm gonna ask you to stop, thought I liked you a lot, but I'm really upset
Get out of my head get off of my bed yeah thats what I said
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl, the one who, throws it all away

Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time?
Did you think that it was somethin I was gonna do and cry?
Don't try to tell me what to do,
Dont try to tell me what to say,
Your better off that way

This guilt trip that you put me on won't, mess me up I've done no wrong
Any thoughts of you and me have gone away

Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time?
Did you think that it was somethin I was gonna do and cry?
Don't try to tell me what to do,
Dont try to tell me what to say,
Your better off that way

Better off that way
I'm better off alone anyway

Don't Tell Me. Avril Lavigne.
I want The Grey album.
Quote Of The Week:

Gypo kid stands at the door as me and John stare at him. He waits, thinks then says the immortal line...

"Fuck Off". Kid walks out. Comic genius.
Poop. heh heh heh.
Alex's Probable First Reaction To This Site: There's nothing at the top! Nooooooooooooo!
So that's who Mark reminds me of...

Urge To Stand Up When Anyone Enters The Room Rising...
You can take it or leave it
You can take it or leave it
Take me or leave me
Stop stringing me along
Stop writing your thoughts down
Don't keep me in the dark
Hidden alone from your truths
The end is you and the start is where we met.
Hidden away from everything else
Wanting to go where everyone is
Just take it or leave it.
King Shough-Onviously Better. Whatever That Means.

Friday, April 09, 2004

I Can't Believe It's Not Beaver!
Friday, April 09, 2004 At 2:22 AM John typed this:

If Justin's new highly anticipated website lives up to the colossal hype he's giving it, then I'll simply retalliate by remaking this site to the point where it's unrivalled in beauty, content, noise, and performance.
But don't let that put you off, Justin, I'm really really excited about this new website you're promising. I'm expecting a lot from you after the way you've been building it up the last few days, and I'm sure that you'll deliver. No pressure or anything...

I was expecting it to say:

If Justin's new highly anticipated girl lives up to the colossal hype he's giving her, then I'll simply retalliate by remaking this site to the point where it's unrivalled in beauty, content, noise, and performance.
But don't let that put you off, Justin, I'm really really excited about this new lady friend you're promising. I'm expecting a lot from you after the way you've been building her up the last few days, and I'm sure that you'll deliver. No pressure or anything...

No pressure dude.
Thunderbeavers Are Go!
MUF-Stands For: Material Unaccounted For. That's something you probably didn't know/didn't want to know.
King Shough-Syntax Error
King Shough-If It's Not Pure Beaver, Then What's The Point?

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Just release it you freaks!
Arsenal 1 Chelsea 2. (2-3 Agg) Bastardaians!
King Shough-Fricking Hell!
No toys either! Dammit!
Urge to spend at an almost criminal high!
You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can

You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same


You're gone from here
Soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
'cos everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same


So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

Everybody's Changing.
by Keane.
You won't see content thinly spread out here across five pages. It's like Toys R Us. All under one roof. Although there is no roof.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Today I was called a "Fucking little prick" by one of the most disgusting and fucking stupid gypsies. Of course had a human have called me this I would/may have been upset/angry...But when the ugliest stupidest fucking down right smelliest bastard that walks the Earth says that to me I just say "Ok, thanks. Bye" Well, he wasn't worth the hassle. Fucker.
Safeway-Full of the stupid piss-fucking-bastards you know and hate.
King Shough-Striking While The Beavers Hot.

Monday, April 05, 2004

You could learn alot from this man.

Manhunt. You will soil yourself.
I almost gave the game away tonight, telling Gilmour about this here site. You had better not find it!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Well, I tried. Wait, no I didn't. Yeah, go and click on one of the links for something better.

Mel Gibson prepares to go to war against Christ himself. Surely a battle royale where there are no winners.
King Shough-Truly A King Among Men.
Your green with envy arent you. Yeah.

Favorite Color

Ha Ha Mark hates cats
I can't spell colour. But with the help of a spell checker...Color. Yeah baby. Life is good.

I am Solid Snake
I just realized how little content this site has got. You can absorb the whole site in like 0.6 seconds. How very...Different.
To, expand on the previous and firstest post this is my new site. It is still very much work in progress but will slowly develop and soon become the envy of all my imaginary friends. You aren't going to know about this for a while because I am going to build up a huge stock pile of posts and in around 20 years time (2 months) I will let your eyes gaze upon the wonder of this site. Yeah, my old one looks better...But still no ads, ha ha!