Friday, July 30, 2004

Good/Poor To Be Back

It is good to be back in the
I do have things to blog about, but forgive me for enjoying what's left of my two week holiday by not going online and not posting. Also the whole "new blogger interface" thing still bugs me grrr.

Saturday, July 17, 2004


King-Shough is shutting down for a whole week cos I'm off to Sami in Kefalonia [One of the Greek islands] however the site may not return at all if Blogger doesn't get it's ass into gear. Anyway, bon-voyage/aufweidersein/goodbye in Greek/goodbye.
King-Shough may return...

Blogger Sucks

Blogger is really starting to suck. First the meddling monkeys tried to 'crank it up a notch' by re-designing Blogger and giving us a "Dashboard" also they put stuff in places that was less that convenient. Now they have gone too frickin far by doing all this other shit which obviously doesn't even work properly cos it has just wasted a substantial amount of my time by it's fucking up. Anyway I could and should go on about how angry I am at the whole thing but I have to pack for my holiday. Death to Blogger!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Music To My Ears

Can't Stand Me Now - By The Always [nearly always] awesome Libertines is sheer beautiful rock and roll and you can catch it at the moment as an exclusive on MTV2.

And an exciting new [not actually new, new] album from Feeder! [woot] it's called Picture Of Perfect Youth and is a massive collection of bsides [36 in total] and is available in either 12" Vinyl or double cd. However, for some rather quite strange reason it is only available online and not in the shops [boo].

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Richard And Judy

Oh how I laugh at them. Richard spends the majority of the show mocking his wife Judy, talking insanely fast and pretending to know everything about everything. Judy spends the majority of the show being interrupted, not talking much, being mocked and messing up lines. Hours of entertainment surely, cue hilarious quote [below] (as they were sitting outside in front of some fish tanks)


Richard: Yeah, I like sitting outside here actually Judy because on the TV it looks like the fish are going in one side of your head and out the other

Judy: Yes Richard, because we both know there is nothing in between don't we


Pure genius! Yesterday was great, they interviewed former president and legend Bill Clinton. Hilariously Judy kept calling him "Mr President" erm no Judy, that's George W Bush surely? Also asking him ridiculously absurd questions [none of which I can remember, doh] and Richard accused him of having split personalities. Anyway, to sum up...They are worth watching for sheer comic value let alone the actual content of the show. Keep up the hilarious work guys.
I think we are all doing pretty well at the moment [posting wise] seeing as Gilmour is away, when he is here [and also when a few of us are online at the same time] it usually helps create more posts because we all bounce ideas off each [sometimes steal them too], and thinking back to when he went to Florida for two weeks the percentage of posts fell an insane amount, I remember him saying when he came back that there wasn't actually that many new posts he hadn't read but he's going to have some kind of a shock when he returns this time [probably not though] unless he has been secretly reading it all via WAP [if that is the case then hey!]. Anyway, masterful stuff all round. Oh yeah, except for The Factory that's as dead as something that died a long time ago and is nothing but bones and mould and kinda smells funny too, not haha funny though...Still I'm sure it will be resurrected like it's number one fan...Jesus Christ, hi by the way!


You know what, lets brag for a second people! No, not about the holiday [although that will rock] but because we are all so good at Blogging now. Seriously, remember back in the 'olden days' when we would just write about uneventful, boring goings on that nobody else including ourselves cared about, when it was Baby6Billion instead of Bon/John Blackbourn. When we just posted for the hell of it because we could. When we could but only dream about implementing pictures and passwords and quality templates. Now we [most of us, most of the time] know when to post but perhaps more importantly know when not to post, I used to post like crazy on my old site but I have learnt a lot from then and personally think this site is better for it. John's sites were always designed well but Johnblackbourndotcom surpasses everything before it and is a constant hub of all kinds of activity [wordage, pictureage, songage, Firefoxage]. Anyway the point is, as we have got older and matured so too have our blogs/non bloggy websites and will continue to as we get older [if we still keep this kind of thing going], and I just bet we will look back on ourselves a few years down the line and think...what were we doing back then? And then write about all the new things we can and do with our sites and how much better we are at blogging and how are blogs have matured like a fine piece of cheddar, then probably remember me posting this um post about the whole thing and maybe do some kind of follow-up post, a sequel even. Well here’s looking forward to Brag...aroonie! Part 2. To be continued...

Quote[s] of the day

"Bastards" - Random Gyspy Girl, After Random gyspy girl asked me where the charity box was and I told her they had taken it away. She was only going to donate 4p for [Insert God Here]'s sake

"Ten poundaroonies please" - Me, asking someone for money after they told me which pump they were on.

"I know you think you are really funny but, your not" - Another Random Gypsy Girl, after I told her the bill was 89 pounds instead of 89 pence. Oh how nobody laughed.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Real reactions in an Abstract World

Go here. It's the most fun I have had all day, playing around with a whole host of crazy things, yeah...woo! [Below are two screenshots featuring one example of the crazy stuff on offer]

Get Shockwave

Random Rhymes From Inside My Mind

Near and far right back and forth again
Somewhere close to the place we like to call our home
Look to the East, look back again to the North
Say goodbyes, say you will miss the people you despise
And take, all the bad out of you and change till your something better
Would you think your parents would ever like to see us together?
And be mine, be mine all the time
Something in the outer regions of my mind
Tells me to catch up cos I’ve fallen behind
If only I had the money to buy the things to make people love me I’d be fine.

Ruomlig Archive Online

...Has been cancelled, due to poor ratings. Apparntly people would rather look at pictures/videos of hot horny naked women than read my site and to those people I say screw you Ah well, if you can't beat them...

Lost For Posts

I'm sitting here @ my computer after having some time away from posting [cos I thought I would think of something better to write if I waited a bit] and I cannot think of anything to write, hilariously though I actually can and have thought of something to write, seen as these words are appearing because I have made a conscious decision to write about not knowing what to write about, and I’m sure I will contradict myself further by having a
sudden brainstorm in a moment and create a surge of posts. Here's hoping anyway!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Ruomlig Archive Online

Gilmour's site may have started to smell like bacon already [oink oink, pig haha] but it is still some kind of treasure chest of quality postage, so every day every time I am able to get online to post on here I am going to randomly select one post from his archives and publish it onto here [just while he is away in York of the shire] hopefully that way it will keep the Ruomlig Online dream alive while there is no actual new posts. No he hasn't paid me to do this and yes he probably will accuse me of 'stealing' but that is for the courts to decide. Quality Random Ruomlig Online Post #1 follows;

Thursday, August 22, 2002

I love that Anchor butter advert with the little blokes in the field with the cows! The music is just great and the animation is top stuff! Yeah, ok, I admit it! I have been spending too much time with the meat and dairy products!

posted by The Accountant @ 9:28 P

Genius! He's probably named all the cheese or something by now!

:) Or :(

So mother made me buy a load of 'essentials' today for my holiday, although I'm sure mosquito repellent is hardly essential...It's not like we are going to some kind of tropical jungle, she also bought me some clothes I hardly think I need and told me "Yeah, it's okay you don't have to pay me back till after the holiday" Yeah, after the holiday...When I have no money left bwaha! Anyway after transferring £150.17 into Euros and booking the bus to Gatwick I'm pretty sure I have no money to spend on anything/everything else I want for a while which makes me :( but the holiday makes me :) so, some kind of happy medium? Let the games begin! Or something.

Mozzarella Firebox

My sister is now a Mozilla Firefox user [cos IE fucks up when she tries to do certain things on the net] I told her today I had installed Mozilla Firefox to which hilariously she replied "Mozzarella Firebox?" "Yes" I replied deciding not to correct her. She proceeded to tell some friend of hers about it [yes calling it by the wrong name] while I hid in the shadows of my room laughing maniacally at her plotting something far more evil*


Friday, July 09, 2004


This is where we [bon and I] will be very shortly, we are staying in Sami. If we don't return don't bother sending a search party cos we probably won't want to come back/do send one because we may be in some kind of danger. Delete as appropriate.


You ripped out my heart now it don't beat
You ripped out my soul so I can't be
You ripped out my lungs now I can't breathe
You ripped out my eyes so I can't see
You ripped out my tongue now I can't speak
Then you ripped off my skin so I just bleed.

By Me.


Firerocks! Brilliantly my site looks even better with it.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Interesting fact about kefalonia...they filmed Captain Correlli's Mandolin there. Yeah it was a rubbish film wasn't it.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I know a girl with the golden touch
She's got enough, she's got too much
But I know, you wouldn't mind

You could have it all if you wanted
You could have it all if it mattered so much
But then all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, they're your friend
But then when you're not around
They say, "Oh, she's changed"
We know what they mean
Well they mean, they're just jealous
Because they never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well

That kind of girl, yes she's never alone
You leave a thousand messages on her phone
But you know you never get through
And you could have it all if you wanted, girl
You could have it all if it matters to you

But then all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, they're your friend
But then when you're not around
They say, "Oh, she's changed"
Oh we know what that means
Well it means they're just jealous
But they'll never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well

I saw my girl with the golden touch
Give 'em a taste but not too much
I just can't listen to the words of fools
I don't give away too much
Someone will need your golden touch

Because all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, they're your friend
And then when you're not around
They say, "Oh, she's changed"
And we know what that means
Well it means they're just jealous
But they'll never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well

Golden Touch. Razorlight

She's So Fine, And She's Awesome @ Tennis

A Medium Sized WTF

Hardly a fitting tribute to Diana, they may as well have done nothing. Slightly disappointing.

The Sims Are Back

That's right folks, The Sims 2 is here for all your voyeuristic/perverted/gaming needs! Check out the screenshots below...

This picture was posted using Hello, and do I really have that many invitations? Nah, it's a mock up! Yes, I'm a foney

Hello Moto Pictures

Hello [mentioned previously on here ages ago] is a very handy tool indeed. It's primary use is of course for transfering any size/quality pictures from your computer to your blog [however they must be Jpegs!] but it's secondary use is for posting, meaning you no longer need to load up the Blogger page you can just as easily post from here [although there is no spell checking tool]. Anyway, it's good...and you should get it too. It even loads your site up after you have posted, magnific!

Monday, July 05, 2004

You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you

She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done

Now you wish she'd never come back here again
Oh, never come back here again

You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you

You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you

She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done

Now I'm nailed above you
Gushing from my side
It's with your sings that you have killed me
Thinking of your sins I die
Thinking how you'd let them touch you
How you'd never realise
That I'm ripped and hang forsaken
Knowing never will I rise

You still see her
Oh, you hear her
You want her
Oh, you want to
You see her
You hear her
You want her
You still want to

Auf Achse. Franz Ferdinand.
What's with the sudden lack of postage?

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Fabulous Thangs

We all know there is a film called The Fabulous Baker Boys and some of us know that The Fabulous Bakin' Boys make delicious snakes. But what I want to know is, are the two linked? Is there some sort of cross border reference going on there or is it just a coincidence.

Friday, July 02, 2004

King Shough - So Many New Posts I Probably Am Actually A king.

Get Well Soon!

Above are three hilariously great photos from something my mum found the other day hiding away in some sort of a box. It is of course the get well card I was given to during that fateful time when I was in hospital (Getting my appendix removed and also suffering from 'that gland thing that I can only pronounce but can't spell') signed by such legends as John Forster and Peter G. And of course Bon, Muff and Gilmour and that person we used to like Ashley C! See if you can spot other names and win, well nothing...
So, hilarious then that shortened the new one off The Three Of Us episode starts off with the letters TWAT. Comedy genius surely? Nah, pure coincidence.
Captain: Sorry, I was just so engrossed in the story!

-Deep Space Beaver, the sequel to Starship Beaverprise. Episode#1. End of July.
Alex: Welcome to The Ruomlig Zone!

-The Three Of Us, a prequel. Soon tonight.
Must Get Out By Maroon 5. B. E. A. utiful


So, the dentistaroonies! It was exceptionaly okay. The lady was pretty nice (not that way) and she did a good job of cleaning and polishing mein teeth. She kept telling me I had super legendary (another similar word may have been used) teeth and that 'I couldn't buy teeth like that' but she obviously doesn't know my mate Dangerous Dave who can get anything off the black market. Only problem it seems are my gums, she also said something about some wisdom teeth that may hurt, sothey had better be full of wisdom dammit!

Thursday, July 01, 2004


And who was it that said nothing interesting ever happend at work? Well ironically it was me
(although i'm sure i'm not the first or last to say it) Today two big things happend

#1 Due to the gypsey fuckers that have decided to pollute this already polluted town bombarding our toilet and mistreating it all day there is a fake "Out Of Order" sign on it therefore to prevent the freaks from going in there. Because of this the door is locked, however to unlock it all you need is a coin (a 2 pence coin in this instance) so just before 11am today before I went off skipping towards the dentist (more about that in a later post) I decided to go to the loo/toilet/bog/little boys|girls room and of course when I was in there locked it and started to "do my thing" only to be shockingly interupted as the door flew open as I screamed then I saw Karen covering her eyes stating how sorry she was and that she thought I was 'out the back' due to the insanely bad nose bleed I had just had. Well that's never happend to me before. I hope Karen didn't see anything she didn't want to/possibly did want to. OKay that's the first fucker out the way.

#2 Later on, after the trip out to the dentist the usual fuckers came in (one of the beaver brothers, and two others) and after exchanging hello's me and Andrea stood there waiting for them to come over and pay as I looked outside toward the forecourt the beaver-fucker (ahaha) said 'Catch' um yeah, So I turned to look at him and saw a bottle of fucking lucozade flying in the air and it bastard hit me in the head. Needless to say I went ballistic and raised my voice and told him to leave several times (after him saying 'sorry') and told him to 'go and think about what he had done' which I presume he did. If he isn't banned/shot I will take this further. I now have a fuck-off soar lump on my head and a bastard bad headache, and the hilarious thing? Andrea, although fair enough after I had told him to leave a few times she also joined in so credit to her. Also she did let main-store know and Mark rang over to 'see how I was' which was nice, although he could have come over but maybe I want too much.