Wednesday, February 23, 2005

King-Shough-The blackness may make you go blind, but it's worth it.

King-Shough will not be held responsible for any loss of vision to readers eyes.

Gone Flickin'

So I just ran outside to post a letter and took my camera with me, now I can't compete with Bon's ultra-uber-festival-snowfest of pictures, but a couple I took turned out okay, so feel free to check it out.

Dvd viewage, to the max!

I watched every episode of Red Dwarf Series V today, I'm quite impressed with myself. So, that just leaves all the extras on disc two, then Red Dwarf Series VI, the two bonus discs of content on The Two Towers and The Return Of The King and every episode except the first two of the Friends dvd boxset...oh and all the extras on there. Actually if i'm being totally honest I have yet to watch the extras on The Indiana Jones trilogy, the Back To The Future Trilogy and the extras on about another 30 less significant dvds. There literally isn't enough time in the day/week/month/year to do it.
Is the glass half-empty or half-full? If you ask me, it's a mug.

I'm still Jenny from the block

In life it's easy to forget who you are, blissfully unaware that you are becoming someone you are not or someone you never thought you would be. Things particulary at the moment for some people are starting to change, both in big ways and small. Sometimes I think i'm trying to hold onto the past too much to ever let the present and eventual future get in the way, i'm pretty content with not really doing that much at the moment and keeping my current job, sure I have tried to do something about it but if i'm being totally honest I haven't tried hard enough. Well, there's your 'insane post about life replete with hilarious title' for this year. Well, I thought it was hilarious anyway.


Dear Customer

We are writing to you regarding your order for "Warnings/Promises"
CD/DVD by Idlewild.

We have contacted the studio for an update on this item and been
informed that this CD/DVD version will now not be released and has
been cancelled from your order. We understand that this was not what
you expected when you ordered.

You may be interested to know that "Warnings/Promise" CD version, is
available to preorder for the anticipated released date of 07.03.2005.
If you would like to purchase this item then you can find it listed
under the following URL:


Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that this situation
may have caused you. Thank you in advance for your patience and
understanding of this situation.

Warmest Regards,
Customer Service

-Customer? Surely we should be on a first name basis by now "Customer Service"? You do disappoint me. More to the point, I'm disappointed that I can't buy the 'limited edition dvd/cd' that I ordered, why must you taunt me? Do I want to buy the 'average just a cd and no dvd edition'? Yes of course I do, you shouldn't even have to ask!
Go to the middle and start what you began
Go back to the times before we were sad
Take me with you to that beautiful place
Where oceans are green and the sky is grey
I write down my feelings of you on a notepad
I let you read them at night outloud
There aren't many feelings better than love
As honest and complex as the flight of a dove.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Quote[s] Of The Week:

Don't ever get married mate, Women are evil, My dog wants red wotsits, why haven't you got any?, and I've drunk two bottles of whiskey -All from the "stereotypical drunk loner who's wife has left him bloke".

10 things I might want to do before I die:

1/Train a monkey to be my pet butler
2/Go out at 4am in the middle of the night on a winters day and take pictures of the snow
3/Travel the world
4/Have a near-death experience so that I would start living life to the fullest
5/Do something I will be remembered for/Think of something I can do to be remembered for
6/Re-build the Titanic and hire a Kate Winslet look-a-like for the day and shout I'm the king-shough of the world off the side of the ship
7/Watch every episode of Friends that I have recently aquired on dvd [could take years]
8/Convince my mum that Johhny Cash doesn't sound like my uncle John and that hurt is an epic song
9/Prove/disprove that ghosts exist
10/Finish writing "10 things I might want to do before I die"

Sorry etc.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, also sorry I have been Zombieish [un-responsive, un-talkative, tired]. Whether it's working so many earlies, having Addison's disease or just me being me i'm sure there is a valid reason in there somewhere. Also, I've been writing a spoof of the film Unbreakable for a proposed new series entitled"King-Shough Versus Hollywood"-Working title.
National B.O.N. day is declared on the 25th, it's his 21st Birthday yo.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Man Face On Fire

So, if you didn't know I recently (three days ago) starting using a new face care product from Nivea [Nivea For Men Revitalising Eye Relief Q10] after using it for two days, I noticed red marks starting to appear under my eyes [where I had used the cream as directed on the "handy" box] so I stopped using the cream thinking it would just go away. I was wrong though, the next day (yesterday) I woke up looking like the some kind of mutant freak, my eyes were closed shut and I had a severe rash under my eyes and was pretty much in agony with it. Today it wasn't much better, so I went to the doctors and he prescribed something for it [ironically another cream]. As I'm writing this though I am actually in more pain than what I was before using the new cream [fuck!]. Anyway, to the point! Whatever you do don't even bother buying this product it's officially evil [and frickin' expensive @ £10.00]. Now, to the funny bit...Something we can all enjoy, two potential quotes of the week to come out of this event are as follows [both said by my Dad]

You look like the boy out of The Snowman!
You look like a foreigner, possibly a Chinese Man

-Yeah, thanks Dad.


What the fuck is Bebo?

Sunday, February 13, 2005

King Shough-Death By Factory

Sunday, February 06, 2005

One man and his bagel

Isn't it great when your looking for something specific on the internet but end up finding something else entirely but you actually become more interested in the new thing you have found rather than what you were meant to be looking for. Today this happened, I stumbled across this site. It's pretty funny and clever and the guy [whoever he is] obviously invests some amount of time on it, anyway have a read and see what you think. Especially noteworthy are the posts iTunes and DRM and Eroding blogs.

It Burns!

So, after the tragic [Oh, for the love of Pickle!] fire at the Branston pickle factory, there has been the equally [or greater, depending on preference] tragic fire at the Kettle Chips factory. The fire at the pickle factory was blamed on halogen lights, but the cause of the fire at the Kettle chips factory was something far more obvious a manager was quoted as saying "We make chips and use oil, that's all I can say." Oh the hilarity! Presumably people are already panic buying crips and trying to flog them on eBay for stupidly high prices [see here]

Friday, February 04, 2005

Language. Sex. Violence. Decent Song?

I thought I would never say it, but The Stereophonics new song Dakota is actually pretty good, in fact it slightly rocks. This stuns me as I hate The Stereophonics to the point of wanting to go in HMV and burn all their albums as much as the next man but stunned I am. It's certainly nothing totally new, it's very much like some of their earlier work, the drumming from Argentinean Javier Weyler [who?]is also pretty exceptional. Whether this is the return of the Stereophonics as we know and love them is still uncertain but it's a start, and whether the introduction of the new drummer or the absence of Stuart Cable is what makes this song and potentially album this good, we shall have to wait and see.


Two more albums I recently purchased are Vehicles & Animals and Tourist Athlete's debut album and their newly released follow up. Vehicles & Animals is an almost completely original, humorous self assured funky pop record, featuring many songs that probably sound-tracked one of your previous summers such as El Salvador Westside and You Got The Style. Highly enjoyable and instantly likeable and deserving of it's accolades. 9/10.

Strange then, that Athlete decided to take the direction they have done for the follow up Tourist, which may well have turned one of the most original British bands of the last few years into one of the most un-original. First single off the album Wires is likeable and radio-friendly so you are likely to have heard it being overplayed, it contains a certain amount of sentimentally and the lead singers trademark vocals, vocals which sadly grate on other songs on the album. In fact most of the album plays like a watered down Snow Patrol. It's fine to re-invent yourself in the music industry but the change here is so noticeable you would be forgiven for thinking you were listening to a different band altogether. Songs Chances and Half Light just sound like Coldplay would if they were rubbish. The album title track Tourist saves the day, they obviously knew it was by far one of the strongest tracks on the album and song Twenty Four Hours is also pretty good. Disappointing then? A missed opitunity? Sadly, yes and yes. 4/10

Stupid CGI pigs and sheep

"Give me less adatives! Adatives! Adatives, adatives!" Stupid Co-Op using adverts with sheep and pigs as some kind of subliminal messaging for the masses, what's wrong with adatives anyway?
When there's no more room on the internet, the nerds will walk the Earth

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Links, for ya'll

My Xbox is trying to kill me...Seriously.

Xbox Console: Bwahahaha! I'm The most powerful console in the world!

Bill Gates: Noooo, lawsuits!

The Explanation

Okay, so it hasn't tried to kill me, but it is trying it's hardest! Whenever I play on it for more than 20 minutes at a time I start to get a blistering headache [on games such as Halo 2 and Project Gotham Racing 2]. I'm not the only one it's affected, Alex for one has suffered it's headache-wrath. The question is, is it the console? The game[s]? Is it us? Or is it something else? Good job then that I have kind of got bored of The Xbox already and hardly play it, or have I got bored of it? Maybe I'm just scared. Maybe :/

A Summary Of Albumage

Brilliant new albums recently added to my collection;

Feeder: Pushing The Senses

-Beautiful, epic and accomplished.

Kasabian: Kasabian

-Brilliant Rock/Roll/Electro genius

Thirteen Senses: The Invitation

-Halfway between Coldplay and Keane but with some furiously excellent high tempo tracks too

Greenday: American Idiot

-An Angry, politically charged rip-roaring rampage revenge epic

U2: How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

-U2 as we know/love them. Nothing completely new but all the better for it, epic sounding.
Anyone else fed up with swalloing pills?
Sorry for not posting for ages, no excuses what so ever so spank my ass.

Legal Notice: King Shough doesn't want you to spank his ass