Thursday, March 30, 2006

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

I don't think I want to continue blogging, but I'm going to leave it up to fate i.e. you, comment on this post with "stay" or "go" and whichever gets more responses I will go with, multiple votes will count, but why bother...Really. This could be the end.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Favourite Mug

Via Rey...and Bon...These are photos of my favourite mug. What's your favourite mug Alex? It’s all a bit memetastic.


I'm getting better at ten pin bowling, today I scored an epic 158 in one of the games I played. Maybe I should go pro and get bionic arms to aid me.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Arsenal 2 Juventus 0

Cesc Fabregas and Thierry Henry gave Arsenal an impressive 2-0 home victory over Juventus in the first leg of their Champions League quarter-final on Tuesday as the Italians finished with nine men. Arsenal, who knocked out Real Madrid in the last round, were the more enterprising team throughout and took the lead through 18-year-old Spanish midfielder Fabregas in the 40th minute. They were in total command in the second half, doubling the lead in the 69th minute as Fabregas set up Henry, and should really have had more goals. Juventus, firmly on course to retain the Italian title and seeking their third European Cup success 10 years after their second, were desperately disappointing and barely mustered a shot on goal. They ended with nine men after red cards for Mauro Camoranesi and Jonathan Zebina in the last four minutes and with former Arsenal midfielder Patrick Vieira booked all three are ruled out of the return leg.

Me And My Mum aka I Have A Cunning Plan

Me And My Mum Was the title of a channel4 program last night, featuring Tony Robinson and his mother, and focused on how little the government seems to care about elderly people, and whether or not it was right to put people in homes or if you had the money to do so to look after them at home. It was a story about hope and love...and old people obviously. His mother died pretty much on the last day of filming the program, it was the first time I had cried in years. <3 old people.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Life On Mars On Dvd

John/Alex will be happy, although wtf is up with the 2007 release date?

Tom Jones

Me: What's wrong with Tom Jones? He's lovely, like a teddy bear

Mum: He's a freak, a freak of nature

Whatever your opinion of Mr Jones, Stoned In Love By Chicane Feat. Tom Jones is a mighty song.

The Streets

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to process your request to unsubscribe to this list. Please reply to the original e-mail message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

I had tried (without success) to unsubscribe to The Streets mailing list, mainly because I hate them now and am constantly on the verge of pulling a 12-gauge shotgun on Mike Skinner everytime I hear When You Wasn't Famous

Ricky Gervais Simpsonised

3 Doors Down: Be Like That

He spends his nights in California
Watching the stars on the big screen.
Then he lies awake and wonders
Why can't that be me?
Cause in his life he's filled with all these good intentions.
He's left a lot of things he'd rather not mention right now.
But just before he says goodnight,
He looks up with a little smile at me and he says
If I could be like that
I'd give anything
Just to live one day
In those shoes.
If I could be like that, what would I do?
What would I do?
Now and dreams we run.
She spends her days up in the north park,
watching the people as they pass.
And all she wants is just a little piee of this dream, is that too much to ask?
With a safe home, and a warm bed, on a quiet little street.
All she wants is just that something to hold onto, that's all she needs.
If I could be like that, I would give anything
Just to live one day, in those shoes.
If I could be like that, what would I do?
What would I do?
I'm falling into this, in dreams we run away.
If I could be like that, I would give anything
Just to live one day, in those shoes.
If I could be like that, what would I do?
What would I do?
If I could be like that, I would give anything
Just to live one day, in those shoes.
If I could be like that, what would I do?
What would I do?
If I could be like that, I would give anything
Just to live one day, in those shoes.
If I could be like that, what would I do?
What would I do?
Falling in.
I feel I am falling in to this again


My bones have been restored to greatness. I went to an Osteopath today, legendary. See I told you I had nothing to post.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hail To The Beef

So, after all this time "blogging" there really is nothing left to say. In fact the only thing left I had to post was from an idea I had about two years ago. All I had was a title (which you can see above) it was a pun on Radiohead's last proper album Hail To The Thief. But in all that time I couldn't think of a reason to have a post with that as a title, so this is telling you this. I had plenty of half-baked ideas (like making a reference to British Beef and how we should support it) but it never really made sense. So this is it, maybe this is the last thing I will ever "blog" about. I have finally said everything I ever wanted to say. Until we meet again, in this life or the next. Justin Leigh Shough. Hail to the beef.


Originally uploaded by shough.
I wanted cheese on toast the other day, and I went to the fridge and there wasn't enough of my preferred cheese to make it. :( So I thought screw it, lets make it half and half (like a ladyboy) it wasn't pleasant, but I ate it.


Please Be Aware
Originally uploaded by shough.
Is it a chance you are willing to take?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Futurama Is Not Back In Production!

Futurama is back in production!

"...they’re doing 26 new episodes of Futurama for TV and we’re hammering out the deal now. The original plan was to have the DVD’s first but that’s no longer the case"

-Billy West, voice of Fry. via then via but they all lied

Bon, The Bitch

Only kidding, but really...Do you need to comment on my blog whenever I make errors in spelling or grammar (because lets face it, it's all the time) I understand it probably annoys you but then correcting errors annoys the fuck out of me. So Bon is the new Ally, nothing is ever good enough. Can't my blog just be filled with stupid errors? I can handle it, can't you?
Alex: Are you working tomorrow night?

Me: Tonight?

Alex: No, tomorrow night

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter to give it it's full name is actually pretty legendary. Offline, the single player campaign is very impressive. Graphically it sets a new benchmark for console games (mmm textures) and enemy AI and the AI of your teammates is usually pretty spot-on, although sometimes your buddies will wander off for no apparent reason and get torn to pieces by bullets...but then that's their fault, and you can always replace them with another soldier (no loving families to inform here!). Anyway, online the game is pretty impressive too (up to 16 human players, 16 bots) and there are plenty of modes to choose from, from co-op to capture the base. So there you go, a decent next-gen game.


I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but Evangeline Lilly is pretty much the only reason I kept watching Lost...that and the polar bears, obviously.

The Evidence

Blogger has been unusually poor of late, pictures not uploading, and even being unable to post. It's totally unacceptable of course, not that we pay for the service or anything...but you know.

I Suck

It should be noted I suck at writing songs/poetry/whatever, but I keep doing it anyway regardless. It probably amuses Ally anyway.

you're made of pure gold but you're worthless to me
caged like a bird waiting to be set free
I've seen my reflection in water but it doesn't seem real
Letters full of hate, but the words blur confuse and erase
My eyes can't focus on the page
time drags so much it might as well stop
take the petals from the flower, she loves me, she loves me not.

I'm ten feet taller than you, my bodies held together with glue
the furthest point from normal, alone at the formal
the back of the class I wear my invisible mask
I've got guns for arms, I mean no harm, gods honest truth
Write about me in books, opinions mixing with truth
Acid rain couldn't melt my heart, I picture peoples faces in the dark.

Who could have known the sand would turn to glass
and who, the skies begin to crack
and who, the oxygen won't last.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Random Simpsons Quotes

Ralph: Me fail English? That's unpossible.

Homer: Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel.

Homer: Lisa, would you like a donut?
Lisa: No thanks. Do you have any fruit?
Homer: This has purple in it. Purple is a fruit.

Chief Wiggum: This is Papa Bear. Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort, heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless.

Woman: Well, you certainly broke up that meeting.
Mcbain: Right now I'm thinking about holding another meeting...In bed.

My (probably) all time favorite? Ralph: Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
I fear, for the worst, couldn't have prepared for this
My eyes fill up with anger, bloodshot like a sunset
Such a middle of the road monster waiting to get hurt
Fade, fade, fade, fade away, it's okay, death is just the start of something else

Stupid Girls

Punky pop star Pink is delighted her new video has pissed of many people as she intended offer it up as a challenge. In the video for ‘Stupid Girls’ Pink parodies some of the behaviour of women like The Olsen Twins, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton.
Speaking to MTV Pink said: "I love the discussion that's going on right now. There's always a backlash when you challenge people's convictions and their heroes.
"But I don't do all this so I can be in Us Weekly every week. I don't do this so that people think I'm cool. "I never said I was perfect, and I never said anybody else doesn't have permission to make fun of me for what I do. I'm a walking contradiction. I'm a hypocrite sometimes. I'm a work in progress. "But I'm working to be better. I'm seeking out smart people and responsible women, and I'm standing up for animals. "I'm not making fun of a certain person, I'm making fun of an idea, and I think they're missing the point. Sexy doesn't have to come with the price tag of being dumb."

ZB and MM

ZB and MM on the set of Scrubs, and if you're wondering why the fuck he's grinning like a maniac he's going out with her, and she is so fine.

It should be noted he's actually going out with her in the real world, as opposed to the fake world of television.


I meant to post this years ago (fine, weeks) but it amused me that there is a character called Mariel in channel Fours Invasion, why you ask? What was the mermaid in that epic Disney film The Little Mermaid called? Ariel. I assume that there is some kind of connection here, what with her (and the other survivors) insane lust for water.

Dumb Blonde Jokes Rule

Q: What's the difference between a dumb blonde and a supermarket trolley?
A: The supermarket trolley has a mind of its own.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Things I shouldn't Have Said Vol.1

Note: Both were intended as "hilarious jokes"

1/ Calling my now ex girlfriend a whore
2/ Calling my dad a Paedophile because he wanted to put candles on my "the magic roundabout" birthday cake.

I don't recommend saying either of these things, ever.

Via Bon, To Spite "Lazarus Girl"

in·i·tial·ism (ĭ-nĭsh'ə-lĭz'əm) pronunciation

An abbreviation consisting of the first letter or letters of words in a phrase (for example, IRS for Internal Revenue Service), syllables or components of a word (TNT for trinitrotoluene), or a combination of words and syllables (ESP for extrasensory perception) and pronounced by spelling out the letters one by one rather than as a solid word.
I want a gf

Surely there is some kind of club we can join Muf/Bon? If there is but you have to pay for it, forget it. Maybe we can start our own club.
Shattered mirrors and broken hearts
Lovers encapsulated in the dark
I've stolen your heart
Sing, you know my secrets you know my secrets
You've seen my dreams, your in my dreams
I've broken things, I've stolen things
Fading hope and beautiful peace

Extreme PaintBrawl

V For Vendetta

Remember, remember the fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot. R For Ruomligs Review.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I Have Everything A Woman Could Ever Want

ally <3 cloe.... taffy stuck and tongue tied, stutter-shook and uptight says:
you have a car
ally <3 cloe.... taffy stuck and tongue tied, stutter-shook and uptight says:
you have a penis
Drag the balls

Plenty of free downloadable decent mp3s can be found here!
|Andy Black is going to Disney Land Paris, can I come please?

Gilmour's New Album

Gilmour's first new solo album since 1984's experimental About Face sees him return to the style of his 1978 debut, which is more in keeping with the classic Pink Floyd sound. Gilmour's trademark slow-tempo delivery is thankfully intact and his voice is on fine form throughout. The songs are largely excellent, particularly the title track and the intoxicating "Take A Breath".

No matter how many times I read that, I think "holy shit, Alex is releasing a record!" Okay, I thought it once, for a second.

I'm Loving It

It has been decided, Sharon Stone is still very much fit. Basic Extinct 2

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Ed liked them, Alex thought the lead singer was a demented freak. I can't decide, the album CYHSY goes from lunacy (the awful track one entitled Clap Your Hands) to epic-genius (Details Of The War, The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth and Upon This Tidal Wave Of Young Blood) I like more than I dislike anyway, which is the point really.

Wake Up Muf

Sweet Fragification

I haven't played an xbox 360 game on my xbox 360 in so long I don't remember. Halo 2 online all the way! I'm getting GRAW tomoz though, should be a hoot (32 player online)

Pretty Much

According to Professor Cox I look asthenic.


Sweet, now I can tell the world on my blog that I have been listening to The Shout Out Louds, and that the track 100° is epic.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

401 Unauthorized!

12 Years Later...

So i'm only 12 years behind the rest of the world but (thanks to Bon's free dvd rental service) I just finished watching The Shawshank Redemption, Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. Yeah it's amazing. Andy, Red, Brooks...what heroes!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Funny, Yo

Thursday, March 09, 2006


So there was a shockumentary on t'other night, about coke and how it's going to be the death of us all and not as I had assumed genetically enhanced giant super monkeys. Anyway they stated that there was 24 teaspoons of sugar in a can of coke, but after some research I think it's actually more like 10, so I don't know where Trev McDonald got the other 14 from (maybe hiding in his beard?) Also diet coke contains a substance 20 times sweeter than sugar than can possibly cause cancer (yeah, fuck). So is coke the new cigarettes? Hardly, but drink responsibly and go to the dentist...if you can actually find a dentist practice to go to!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

No Strings Attached

So the first person to go up to a woman with a ball of string and say "I want you now, and we won't be fucking needing this" and throws the string away in a random direction wins a prize, they win...a multi purpose, limited edition white ball of string.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Embrace-new album out March 27th
Tickets for DANIEL POWTER go on sale tomorrow @ the UEA, I won't be buying any though, because he's crap. But I thought i'd share with you this information should you actually want to see him. Tickets are £14 (subject to booking fee)

Cause you had a bad day, You're taking one down, You sing a sad song just to turn it around!
Ha Ha! I can post and you can't. Blogger isn't fucked, it must be IE. lol.

The Simpsons...

Witness the sickness, but more importantly witness the much hyped real life intro for The Simpsons that was made right here in the UK (it took them like ten years to make or something...fine one year). Skyone will be showing it anyway to promote season 37 or whatever we are up to. 17? Whatever, like it matters anymore.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Forever Delayed

The Delays are fucking back! With lead single Valentine from their second album You See Colours . Their first album being Faded Seaside Glamour which had the singles Long Time Coming and Nearer Than Heaven...obviously.
Arms Around me
Your Dinner Lady arms, put your
Arms Around me
Your Dinner Lady arms
I couldn't figure out where your figure had gone
Thought that I could live without you honey
I was so wrong, put your
Arms around me
Your Dinner Lady arms
Your Dinner Lady arms

Quote Of Last Week

"You look like a real girl" -Geppetto Gilmour, I mean...Alex Gilmour, complimenting his sister Hannah on her dress for the ball.
layered crab is officially epic